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4th Sunday of Lent, March 14th 2021

This Sunday will bring us to the fourth stop on the pathway of Lent – an opportunity to ponder love, God’s love for us, our love of God and God’s call to us – to be love, to share love in the world. We will do all of this against the backdrop of National Affirming PIE Day – where we explore what it is to be Public Intentional and Explicit in our efforts to welcome, affirm and include members of the LGBTQ2+ community and other marginalized persons.

Thanks to Laura Hunter for her contribution to our gathering! Come and watch Laura bake a Bumble Berry Pie (in under 5 minutes) and talk about what it is to be an affirming community!

And then, come back at 2PM and bid on Laura’s pie or one of the many other pies that have been donated in support of our our affirming ministry work. You can take part online via Zoom or Facebook Live (see links below) or, because we are now in the Yellow there is room for 25 people in the sanctuary!

Come and join in the fun and take home dessert!



Weekly During Lent

  1. Tuesday @ 10:30AM  Preacher’s Help Group (Zoom)

  2. Tuesday @ 7PM  Small Group Study: Journey in Lent (Zoom) A 30 minute pause to ponder our spiritual pathway.

  3. Wednesday @ 5PM  Virtual Community Supper (Zoom)

  4. Thursday @ 7PM  Beer & (no) Hymns (Zoom)

  5. Sunday @ 11AM  Sunday Gathering @ Sackville United Church and live-streamed via Facebook Live *

  6. Sunday @ 11:45AM Conversation & Community (Zoom)

  7. Sunday @ 2PM National Affirming PIE Day Pie Auction @ Sackville United Church and live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook Live *

  8. Sunday @ 4PM Wondering in the Wandering (Zoom)  A time of wondering and sharing for children and adults of all ages.

* Upper Sackville will be offering in-person Sunday Gatherings once per month: March 28th and April 4th (Easter Sunday) at 9AM.

As we conclude our time together,
 may we speak of God’s goodness;  our hands hold those in need;  and our feet walk with those   who journey toward justice.
And may we all be reminded again 
  and again and again that we are loved – 
    and called only to love as we’ve have been loved.
And may this be our rhythm—  again and again and again. 
In the name of the Lover, the Beloved, 
  and Love itself.  Amen.
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