Advent is upon us. Four Sundays of preparation and waiting. It is our prayer that your preparations may be touched with more joy than stress, that your waiting may be filled with hope, and that you might take part in one or more of the events below that we are offering to the community of Sackville to ‘Unwrap Advent’ and usher in Christ(mas).

Nov 30 Decoration Gathering at SUC 1pm Dec 1 Advent I services 9am/11am Dec 6 Cookie Walk at SUC 5:30-7:30pm Dec 8 Advent II services 9am/11am White Gift Sunday at SPC Carols & Cocktails at Ducky’s 7-8pm Dec 15 Advent III services 9am/11am Food Bank Sunday at SPC Caroling in the Community 1:30pm Dec 18 A Blue Christmas Service 7pm Dec 22 Advent IV services 9am/11am Christmas Cantata with Lessons & Carols 3pm (Canadian Foodgrains Bank Fundraiser) Dec 24 Christmas Eve services 4PM – A Christmas Story for Little Ones (SUC) 7PM – A Family Christmas Eve Celebration (SUC) 9PM – Candlelight Christmas Eve with Communion (Upper) Dec 29 Christmas Week Worship 9am/11am

Sunday December 1st Advent I

9AM at Upper Sackville 11AM at Sackville Bring an ornament from home to decorate our Family Christmas Tree!
Friday December 6th

5:30-7:30PM Moonlight Madness Second Annual Cookie Walk. Bring your own container and purchase a selection of Christmas Cookies for your holiday entertaining. Proceeds will be shared with the SRRC.
Sunday December 8th Advent II

9AM at Upper Sackville
11AM at Sackville
White Gift Sunday
7PM Christmas Spirits and Carols at Ducky’s Pub
Come join us and raise your voices (and glasses!) in a celebration of song! All ages welcome – anyone under 19 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Sunday December 15th Advent III

9AM at Upper Sackville 11AM at Sackville United 1:30PM Caroling in the Community Food Bank Sunday
Wednesday December 18th

7PM Blue Christmas Service An opportunity to be present to the sorrow of the season and to seek to proclaim love in the midst of sorrow. All are welcome to join us at Sackville United.
Sunday December 22nd Advent IV

9AM at Upper Sackville 11AM at Sackville United 3PM Christmas Cantata in support of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Come and share the love of the season, enjoy beautiful music, and support the Canadian Foodgrains Bank – a win/win for all!
Tuesday December 24th Christmas Eve

4PM (Sackville United) A Christmas Story for Little Ones 7PM (Sackville United) A Family Christmas Eve Celebration 9PM (Upper Sackville) Candlelight Christmas Eve with Communion
Sunday December 29th

9AM at Upper Sackville 11AM at Sackville Preparing for the new year to come.
Gifts with Vision
The New 2019-2020 Gifts with Vision Catalogue is now available! Please visit for more information.
Gifts for Healing & Reconciliation, Wellness, Safe Spaces, Education, Addressing Poverty & Hunger, and more are available online. A small number of print catalogues are also available for those who prefer a paper copy.
~ Your gift makes a difference ~

What I can, I give him; give my heart.
Christmas Cheer/White Gift Sunday
Drop-Off Spot: Sackville United Church, M W F 9am-12pm
Financial Contributions can be made through: Sackville RBC
Packing Day: Thursday, December 12 at 8:30am, St. Paul’s Anglican
The many contributions of individuals and organizations in our community over the past years have helped ensure the holiday season is bright and happy for needy families in our community, and we once again reach out to you for this year’s Christmas Cheer. All food donations should go directly to the Food Bank. The following are some suggestions of items we could use to fill our gift bags. The bags are distributed to children from newborns up to and including age 12.
Newborn to 2 Years – sleepwear, soft washable toys, bath towels and washcloths, undershirts, bedding, baby articles (soap, shampoo, etc.), socks, receiving blankets
Young Children (2-6 Years) – socks, underwear, tights, small stuffed animals, picture books, dolls and accessories, dress-up jewellery, mitts, hats, sleepwear, puzzles, playdough, colouring books and crayons, warm winter clothing, small snow shovels, small cars and trucks, lego, blocks, games
Older Children (6-12 Years) – tights, gloves, underwear, hats and caps, games, sleepwear, stuffed toys, books, sweatshirts, movie passes, fast food coupons, hockey cards, stickers and sticker books, puzzles, jewellery, crazy carpets, fleece throws, craft kits, hair accessories, make-up kits, Barbie dolls and accessories, colouring books and crayons, markers
We ask that you do not donate CDs, DVDs or game discs, as we have no way of knowing if families have the necessary electronic equipment. In choosing gifts please keep in mind that many families have limited living space. For gifts requiring batteries we suggest including batteries (or even extra batteries) as well.
In order to place the donated gift with an appropriate child depending on their age and preference, we ask that all gifts remain unwrapped. Wrapping paper would be appreciated to go with the gift if you so desire.

May hope, peace, joy, and love be with you in this season and always.