Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group ON PAUSE Wednesdays Coffee with Open Sky ON PAUSE Thursdays Parents & Tots ON PAUSE 1st Thursday Project Linus ON PAUSE July 2-Sept 3 Summer Services at SUC 10am July 9&23, Aug 13&27 Beer and Hymns 7pm
Tonight at 7pm!
ANNOUNCEMENTS for July 9, 2017- 5th Sunday after Pentecost
BEER AND HYMNS: FIRST EVENT TONIGHT!!! Ducky’s Pub from 7-8pm on Sunday evenings: July 9 (TODAY) & 23, August 13 & 27. Come out and raise your voices (and glasses!).
THE GO PROJECT AT SUC: SUC is hosting an exciting adventure day camp this August 7-11 for children grades 2-7. Visit the SUC GO Project webpage or contact the office for more information!
DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY: Please join your Open Sky friends, along with Dr. Barbra Clayton of Mount Allison University, Religious Studies Department, on Friday afternoons 2-4pm during the summer, as we explore together what Happiness really means. This workshop series is a part of her SSHRC Research Project on Gross National Happiness – the measurement of wellbeing from Bhutan. Workshops will be interactive, fun and inspiring. More information on the Open Sky Facebook Page.
REMIT RESULTS: The Results of UCC Remits 1-4 are now available.
JUST!US COFFEE UPDATE: Just!Us has an important update about a temporary change in suppliers and how it reminds us that each cup of coffee and bar of chocolate is doing important justice work.
GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV. LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd? He can be reached at spcminister@nb.aibn.com or by calling (506) 940-1151.
PRAYER REQUESTS: for yourself or a person or situation concerning you may be given to our Prayer Circle by calling Mora at 536-4109, or email morabullydog@yahoo.ca. Details surrounding a request may be provided but are not necessary. All requests are received with respect and kept in confidence.
Summer Reading and Reflection: The summer reading group, Three Months, Three Books, Three Indigenous Writers is a go! (reading lists are available at the bulletin board. If you are planning to attend, please either sign up or email chgaw@eastlink.ca) Each gathering will be held at 618 Route 935, Wood Point at 10:00-11:30.(Each of these books has mature content and profanity. Reader discretion is advised!)
1 Peter 2:1-10
our music this morning is a mix of country & gospel, both old and new
Country/Gospel Medley (Hank Williams, Tommy Dorsey, etc.) Heaven Let Your Light Shine Down (Dolly Parton) River (Garth Brooks) Offertory Response: I Believe There Are Angels Among Us (Alabama) We Shall Be Free (Garth Brooks)
Special Music: Wide Open Spaces (Dixie Chicks) I Believe there are Angels Among Us (Alabama)
SPC Summer Music Series
This summer, we’re doing something new and exciting at SPC! Each Sunday morning worship this summer will feature a specific musical theme/genre, with a mix of popular hymns and familiar favourites we don’t always get to sing in church! Join us for these joyful Sundays that will have you swaying in your seat!
TODAY: Country & Gospel July 16: Big Band/Crooners July 23: Folk July 30: Rock ‘n’ Roll Aug 6: Sappyfest Pancakes and Prayers “to go” Aug 13/20: Pulpit Supply (Sara Jewell/Gary MacDonald) Aug 27: The Beatles Sept 3: More Canadian Songwriters