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March 3 – Announements

Upcoming Dates

M,W,F           Church Office Open         – NEW HOURS              8-11am Wednesdays       Coffee & Conversation with Open Sky        10am Thursdays    Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making (at Main St Baptist) March 5        CANCELLED Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party!    5:30pm March 6        Afternoon Ash Wednesday Service                       1pm Wednesdays    Evening Lenten Supper and Conversatio       6pm Mondays          Interfaith: A Lenten Study     (begins Mar 11) 9am March 14        PIE Day!                                                                        6-7:30pm March 17        Food Bank Sunday March 20        Shared Ministry Gathering at SUC                      6:30pm April 21           Easter Sunday                                                            9am/11am April 28     Conversation Café (SUC)/Special Music (Upper)   9am/11am

ANNOUNCEMENTS for March 3, 2019 – Transfiguration Sunday

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes & Games Night CANCELLED:  Sadly, due to conflicting events and Jennie’s broken hand, we had to cancel this year’s pancakes and games night.  Look forward to seeing us next year though, and keep your tummies hungry!

PI(E) Day:  Join us at Sackville United at 6-7:30pm and get some pie for a good cause as we celebrate diversity and raise funds for the Queer Room and our Rainbow Refugee sponsorship!  Anyone interested in contributing a pie or volunteering is invited to see the sheet on the Discernment Board.

Shared Ministry Gathering:  There will be a Shared Ministries Meeting held on March 20th at 6:30 until 8 o’clock in the Sanctuary.  The purpose of this meeting is to acknowledge the varied activities/ministries which have occurred this past year.  Representatives from each of the following are asked to attend and to be prepared to share about your gathering and the future outlook.  These are ministries which have appeared on the Discernment Board or some just happen.  This is a time for thankful sharing.  This is also a time for sharing new ideas…..Worship Committee….Welcomers….Book Study, “The Seekers”……Cookie Walk….Pastoral Care….University/Community Liaison……..Open Sky Gathering….Property and Maintenance….Sackville Refugee Coalition….APCWWE….Green Team….United Church Women….RJ333 (liaison with Dorchester Facility)….Queer Room….Godly Play Faith Formation….Godly Play at the Drew….Special Occasion Cards….Go Project…Choir and Musical Guests….Audio Visual….Pancake gatherings for Shrove Tuesday and Sappy Fest…Lenten and Advent Evening Discussions (“Ridiculous Journey” ) and Monday and Wednesday discussions on “Reading Sacred in Every Day Life”

Interfaith: Being in Love with the World:  A Small Group Lenten Study using a resource from the Prayer Bench. We will begin at 9AM and conclude by 10AM so that folk can meet other obligations. All are welcome.

Called to Community: A Lenten Supper Study: We will begin each evening with a crock-pot supper followed by a video presentation and discussion on the purpose of the church. Its an informal gathering and all are welcome!

Upper Sackville Bible Study:  Several of the ladies in the church have been talking recently about the possibility of having a weekly get-together for Bible Study.  They plan to make a start during the Lenten Season – Wednesday  March 6th at 2pm will be at the Scobie’s,  227 Main St. They will be looking at how the Easter story unfolds in John’s Gospel.  For further information contact Bernice McMaster, Jane Roberson or Jean Scobie.

Food Bank Sunday:  On the third Sunday of each month we are asked to bring our offerings of non-perishable food items or consider a monetary contribution to the food bank to help meet the immediate needs of our neighbours and friends, even as we continue to address the underlying injustices that lead to long-term food insecurity.  Upcoming Food Bank Sundays: March 17, April 21.

Prayers for the Community:Is there someone or something you would like held or lifted up in prayer this month?  Our prayer circle is ready to hear your concerns and joys and pray for them – please send your messages to Marilyn Burrell at  All requests are kept in confidence among the group, who are always mindful of your privacy.

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

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