It’s another snow day on the Tantramar Marsh and while I hope to cross the marsh later today to attend a couple of important meetings, for now I’ll distract myself from Trump’s recent Twitter tirade and focus on some opportunities…
Opportunities For learning: On Monday mornings at 9am, beginning March 11th, Interfaith: Being Love in the World. This five-week study will explore common threads among our world’s wisdom traditions. On Wednesday evenings, beginning on March 6th (Ash Wednesday): Called to Community. Over five weeks using resources from the Work of the People we will wrestle with the question: What is the role of the Church?
Another Opportunity for Learning: Kairos Atlantic Gathering. All are welcome to take part in a diverse, inter-generational gathering May 2 – 5, 2019 at Mount Allison University to learn about the work of the KAIROS movement while developing concrete advocacy skills. Follow the link.

‘Turtle Island’
An Opportunity to Share: As part of the event above, some 200+ people are expected to take part in a Blanket Exercise on Saturday May 4th.
Catherine Gaw, as part of the Planning Team is collecting blankets to supplement the blanket that Kairos already has on hand. She is hoping that we of Sackville Pastoral Charge can come up with 10 blankets. The blankets can be made of any material, can be any size, bright colours seem to be the preference. If a blanket has a picture or logo on it that logo should be inoffensive. If you can share an old blanket to support this learning event please email Catherine:

We need pies and people to cut them and serve them… can you help?
An Opportunity to Serve: We need pies. We need people to spread the word about the PI fundraiser in support of the SRRC and the Queer Room. We need people to help set up, serve and clean up. If you can donate a pie, or/and are able to help set-up, serve or clean up, please email the office and Jennie will see that your offering gets added to the sign up list. Please spread the word. A poster can be found here. You can also share the event of Facebook by clicking this link!
Another Opportunity to Serve: The Sackville Refugee Response Coalition is actively recruiting volunteers to work with the refugee that will likely arrive in 3 or 4 months. Please contact the Chair of the SRRC, Sarah Poirier:
And yet More Opportunities to Serve: The General Council of the United Church of Canada is seeking volunteers to staff its new governance model. Follow this link to have a look!
In ministry together, Lloyd
Looking Ahead
Today I have a meeting over lunch and then later this afternoon a meeting with the Tantramar Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (THPCO). The THPCO is an umbrella organization made up of service providers and interested individuals who volunteer to advocate for and support the provision of hospice palliative care services and resources in the Tantramar region. And then, this evening together with the informal team from Sackville United Church I will meet with the Sackville Refugee Response Coalition where we will together complete the sponsorship documents for the next refugee to be welcomed to Sackville.
On Tuesday I will in the office finalizing the refugee sponsorship paperwork and arranging visits for the coming couple of weeks. If you’d like a visit please feel free to call me… I do enjoy connecting with folk and learning how the Church community is part of your lives and how we might better be of service to you.
On Wednesday I expect to join the folk from Open Sky and others for coffee and spend most of the day getting the liturgy for Sunday pulled together. If it is fit I hope to get a walk in with Rasta up to the hospital and over to the Drew… but, if the weather is anything like today you won’t catch me walking!
Thursday will be devoted to writing a reflection for Sunday and responding to whatever else didn’t get done in the week…
Friday and Saturday will be days off and on Sunday after the 9am gathering at Upper Sackville United Church and the 11am gathering at Sackville United Church, I look forward to sharing with the residents at the Drew at 3PM. Why don’t you come and join us? It’s a great opportunity to connect with folk who are part of our community that now call the Drew home!