It was such a joy to gather with so many on Easter Sunday! I think you could tell how excited I was by the tone of my voice!
I hope that all of you have had opportunity to share time with loved ones and ponder the mystery of renewal and resurrection over the past few days… and eat a bit of chocolate?
Jen and I and two of our children shared dinner on Sunday with my friend and former colleague Peg and her friend Barbara. After dinner was over I crashed. It had been a busy and emotional week filled with just a few challenges – but somehow gathering on Sunday made all of the challenges worthwhile!
Once I finish this note to you and complete my hospital visits in Moncton I’ll be taking the remainder of the day day off – likely to do some cooking for the week ahead.
I’ll be in the office on Wednesday with meetings all day and into the evening including our virtual community dinner at 5PM. Here is the link. Thursday I will be working from home in the morning and afternoon with a meeting scheduled in the evening. Friday will likely see me drafting a sermon for Sunday and finishing up the liturgy. Saturday will be a day off and that evening we are going bowling with some friends… If I’m walking funny on Sunday you’ll know why!
Our in-person gathering at Sackville United Church at 11AM will be broadcast live via Facebook Live! I hope to see you either in-person or online as we ponder the story of Jesus appearance to a group of frightened followers, offering them peace and sending them forth as he had been sent… (John 20:19-31).