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Musings, On Being Known By Our Love: May 9th 2022

“Step away from the keyboard” is a phrase I repeat to myself at least twice a day. I’ll see a post on Facebook or a comment on someone else’s post and my hackles will rise – as I bristle at some expression of ignorance or hate, some divisive or thoughtless word.

I step away from the keyboard as I have learned that social media is not a forum that lends itself to meaningful engagement as there is no ability to be truly vulnerable, no ability to see the hurt or hope in the eyes of the other, no means to see in the other one’s one reflection of a fragile who is woven together in love and dependent on love for its existence.

Yesterday was a case in point. The gospel text for this coming Sunday is a passage from John’s gospel where the words A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. are attributed to Jesus. My favourite religious cartoonist, David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor, had posted the image to the right and the resulting ‘comments’ once again left me embarrassed to be lumped into the category called Christian.

This coming Sunday I will hopefully share a reflection that offers a glimpse into what I understand it is to be disciples of The Way of Jesus, what it is to love one another: #allmeansall #roomatthetable

I will of course use the gospel text, John 13:31-35 but I will also use Acts 11:1-18, the story of Peter being challenged by others for his practice of eating with Gentiles and how the critics were silenced and came to understand that grace is for all.

And, I may even draw upon the verses offered by the Lectionary from the Book of Revelation and imagine with you ‘a new heaven and a new earth’ and together be reminded again that God “is making all things new.”

Hmmm with all these texts I guess the sermon had better be brief…. Perhaps this is another area that I can put the wisdom of ‘step away from the keyboard’ into practice! Oh the challenges!



Looking Ahead

I worked from home this morning in the space that was freshly painted by Noah a few weeks ago – enjoying the quiet of familiar surroundings. This afternoon I have three visits booked and I have assured Rasta that there will be a walk in the Waterfowl Park.

On Tuesday morning I have a meeting at 9:30am regarding an internment, the Lectionary Study Group (Preacher’s Help Group) at 10:30am, and two other meetings scheduled for 1:30 and 3:00.

Wednesday morning will see me in the office bright and early and ready to welcome the folk from Open Sky and others for our regular Seniors Sharing the Table Coffee Hour at 10am after which I’ll drive to Moncton for a meeting with United Church colleagues at the Community Hub – the location where Visions United Church meets and lives out a partnership with the John Howard Society.

On Thursday morning I am scheduled to get my second booster vaccine and will be working from home for the balance of the day. Hopefully I will not suffer any ill effects from the vaccine as I am scheduled, with Paula Sears, to take part in a Land Acknowledgement Workshop that is being offered by region at 7pm.

Friday and Saturday will be days off and on Sunday I look forward to gathering in community with you as we mark the 5th Sunday in the season of Easter.

I will be on Study Leave from May 16th through to and including May 22nd. During this period, I will be taking part in the Festival of Homiletics, After the Storm: Preaching and Trauma. I’ll be participating from Halifax where Rasta and I will get to visit with my son Justin and his partner Emily and their dog Gibson and enjoy a few walks through Point Pleasant Park after visits to the AST Library. I’ll be back in the area for a medical appointment on Thursday – and thankfully I’ll not miss a thing as all of the lectures and presentations are recorded!

A really big thank you to Ellie Hummel who will offer leadership on Sunday May 22nd in my absence.

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