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Musings: On Ministry and the Gift of the Day

Well, the day got away from me this morning and I am still catching up. As is often the case when the time changes my body takes a day or two to adjust and this morning I slept in until 7:30AM – unheard of for me! Then, by the time I got to the gym and back (as has become my practice of late) it was 10AM – and it was only then that I looked at my schedule for the day – good thing I did or I would have missed a lovely visit with Jean and Charlie Scobie and lunch with Janet Hammock.

Visiting people in their homes is a great privilege of this vocation – to be welcomed into sacred space and be entrusted with the stories with which individuals, couples and families make meaning – gift, privilege, and responsibility. And sometimes I am honoured to be given permission to share some of those stories. Today was such a day.

While visiting with Charlie and Jean and talking about ornate convex mirrors and Wally-Dugs that had been brought from Scotland, and schedules and planning documents to assist seniors and planned visits with family, I noticed the mountain of knitted teddy bears. Charlie was quick to tell me that these were Jean’s creations: Teddy’s for Tragedies.

At 91, Jean still finds a way to make the world a gentler and kinder place. The teddy bears that Jean and others knit are used to pack around fragile medical equipment that is sent to places where such items are in need. Then, the teddy bears are given to children in the local hospitals by Doctors, Nurses, and other Volunteers. Thank you, Jean, for your continued ministry of loving care!

Following my visit with Jean and Charlie I made my way to Janet and Marikyn's home where I was treated to a few minutes of lovely piano music before sharing a tasty lunch and deeply engaging conversation. Thank you both!

Upon arriving home, I was invited to join Jenn and the girls on trek through the sugar woods – and while I initially resisted, trying to get to this task – I didn’t – and I’m glad I didn’t. It was a lovely day for a walk in the woods and who should we meet but Frank and Diane Oulton with their daughter and grandchildren. The maple candy was tasty too!

So here I am – at the desk at 4PM filled with gratitude for the day as it has unfolded thus far – so deeply privileged to engage in this work and be able to interact with so many amazing people – each in varied ways trying to make the world a better place!



Looking Ahead

This evening at 6:30PM I will open the Zoom space for our third Mission and Ministry Discernment Conversation. The first 30 minutes will be devoted to some social time and the conversation will begin in earnest at 7PM. Here is the link to the gathering.

Tuesday will be day of meetings and presentations: 10:30AM is the Lectionary Study Group, 2PM is a Faith Lead Study Group, 3PM is a presentation by AST (Atlantic School of Theology) Graduate Projects and 6:30PM is the ProFuture Faith Study Group.

On Wednesday plans are in place to visit my Mom and Dad in Prince Edward Island but I fear that the weather may prevent that. We’ll see… maybe we can switch our trip to Thursday and I can spend Wednesday eating storm chips while writing a liturgy and sermon!

Friday will see us maintain what has become a St. Patrick’s Day tradition – if you want to know more – ask me in Church on Sunday! And yes, it does involve beer!

On Sunday we will gather to mark the 4th Sunday of Lent as we hear the story of one who was born blind, their parents and the consequences of healing… If only it were so simple: “I was blind, now I see.” After an abbreviated reflection we will continue our congregational conversations as we seek to discern mission and ministry priorities, and following the benediction we will move into our Annual Congregational Meeting. You may of course participate in-person or via Zoom using this link.

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