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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Summer 2019 at SPC

Summer 2019 at Sackville Pastoral Charge

rainbow heart strings

Celebrate “Summer Spirit”

Summer at Sackville Pastoral Charge is a time of rest, rejuvenation, and celebration!  It is our prayer that your summer months may be full of joy and peace, and that you might take part in one or more of the events below that we are offering to the community of Sackville to celebrate “summer spirit.”

June 9   Pentecost Sunday  9am/11am June 10-15  Rescheduled Weeknight Choir Practice  & Potluck    TBA June 16   Sunday School Closing at SUC  11am       June 16  A “Window Open to Summer” BBQ and Cake Auction 12:30pm June 19  Change of Office Hours (this Wed only)  10:30-1:30pm June 22  Final SUC Choir Practice before Summer Pause   3pm June 23  Upper Sackville Final Service before Summer Pause  9am June 23  Celebrating the Sacrament of Communion  9am/11am June 23 Food Bank Sunday 9am/11am June 30  SPC Summer Services begin (at SUC) 10am July-Aug  Summer Church Office Hours   Wed, Fri 9am-12pm July-Aug  SPC Summer Services at SUC  10am July 21  Food Bank Sunday July 28  Beer and Hymns at Ducky’s Pub  7pm August 4  Pancakes and Prayers at SUC (no regular worship) 9:30-11am August 18  Food bank Sunday August 25  Beer and Hymns at Ducky’s Pub  7pm Sept 1   Final SPC Summer Service (at SUC)  TBA Sept 2   Regular Church Office Hours Resume   Mon, Wed, Fri  9am-12pm Sept 7   SUC Choir Practices Resume   TBA Sept 8   Regular Worship Services Resume   9am USUC/11am SUC

Sunday June 9th  Pentecost Sunday

9am at Upper Sackville 11am at Sackville United

Feel the winds of the spirit blow as we move from Easter into a new season of community and connection with the world

Sunday June 16th Sunday School Closing & “Window Open to Summer” BBQ/Cake Auction

(Regular 9am worship at Upper Sackville) 11am at Sackville United BBQ begins at 12:30pm

During our worship time we celebrate the start of summer pause for our Sunday School.  Then following the service, come have a burger or hotdog and a slice of cake on us as we “open a window to summer”.  A cake auction will begin at 1pm to raise funds for energy efficient renovations to reduce our carbon footprint

Sunday June 23rd Communion Upper Sackville Summer Pause 9am at Upper Sackville 11am at Sackville United

Join us as we celebrate mystery and community through the sacrament of holy communion.  This will be the final Upper Sackville service before summer pause, and worship will be followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments along with a celebration of new baby Jayden!

finger puppets

All are welcome in this place

Sundays June 30th – September 1st Summer Services at SPC 10am at Sackville United

All are welcome – activities for young worshippers are available at the back of the sanctuary

Wednesdays and Fridays, July 3rd – August 30th Church Office Open 9am-12pm at Sackville United

beer and hymns 2

Raise your voice (and your glass!) at Beer & Hymns

Sunday July 28th, Sunday August 25th Beer and Hymns 7pm at Ducky’s Pub

Join us for a time of fellowship and fun as we raise our voices (and our glasses) in joyful celebration of the spirit!  All are welcome – anyone under 19 must be accompanied by a legal guardian

Sunday August 4th Pancakes and Prayers “to go” 9:30-11am at Sackville United

Join us for our third annual pancake breakfast!  Held on the Sunday morning of Sappyfest weekend, this free breakfast is an opportunity for community building and outreach.

Flowers in baskets

       A Summer Prayer     

Under the warmth of the summer sun the world awakes and blossoms into every imaginable color.

You created a garden for us to enjoy and within it planted the most magical of flower and trees.

You needed no horticultural training to plan your color scheme, no gardening expert to recommend variety or design.

Your garden is perfect its colors harmonious its scale immense spoilt only by the clumsiness of those who tend it.

Creator God who breathed this world into being who is discernible within the harmony of nature, the perfection of a butterfly’s wing, the grandeur of a mountain range, and the soaring eagle and humming bird, thank you for this world which you have created.

Thank you for summer sun which reminds us that your creative breath is still alive and active.

Thank you for the warmth of your love sustaining this world: your garden

Flowers in baskets
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