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the story of the Good shepherd & world communion

You can read the condensed version of Andrea’s presentation with your child. Or listen as your child shares the story about these pictures. The Wondering questions below will guide you. You can conclude by sitting quietly for a moment and then saying “Amen.”

“There was once someone who did such wonderful things and said such amazing things that people wondered who he was. Finally they couldn’t help it—they just had to ask him. Who are you? “I am the Good Shepherd,” he said. I know each one of the sheep by name, and they know the sound of my voice. When I take the sheep from the sheepfold, they follow me”. “I walk in front of the sheep to show them the way. I show them the way to the good grass.”

This is the table of the Good Shepherd.

Here is the bread and the cup of the Good Shepherd. These remind us of the Good Shepherd and the table. Sometimes someone comes to read the words of the Good Shepherd, and to give us the bread and pour the cup. Sometimes the people of the world come to this table. Even the children come. There is room at the table for everyone.


  • I wonder where that table could really be?

  • I wonder if you have ever heard the words of the Good Shepherd?

  • I wonder what the bread and the cup could really be?

Children already have a sense of wonder and an inner sense of God and mystery.

The “feast” we shared is about being together in community – not about how much or what kind of food. It is more about how we feel. We each had little recyclable “fellowship” cups with a tiny wafer and some juice. In person the children take turns serving the feast to everyone and then, after the feast help to put away materials. And we invite each to say thanks before we take the feast. I wonder what ways you like to say thanks at your meals?

There is room at the table for everyone: this is a big saying in our church. I wonder what this means?

Moving Toward Advent

3 November 2021


I hope things have been going okay with each of you.

We know that you may be missing school and being with your friends. Many people from your schools are taking steps to make things better for all workers in New Brunswick. Some of your families may be helping with this important work of the strike.

We miss seeing you and being together. It was good to connect on Zoom on Oct. 24th for those who were able to. And it was fun to learn a new song with actions from Jennie! Thanks Jennie!

In this at home kit from Sunday School, you will find the story sheet from our last Zoom session. There is a photo and outline of the story Andrea told. And there are some wondering questions if you want to explore it together with you family.

Gary has prepared some creative materials to play with. Imagine where sheep find clear, clean water and how do they get there! I wonder how you know the water outdoors is okay for animals to drink?

We will deliver feast supplies and new materials in mid-November to get ready for a new season in the church year: Advent. It goes on for four weeks!

Mora and Andrea will host a Zoom call with Sunday School on Nov. 24th at 4:00 pm. Mora will present the whole story of Advent. This is one she shares with her family each year near Christmas. We will send out a notice about that to parents.

Take care. Warmly,

From each of us at Sackville United Sunday School:

Andrea, Gary, Mora, and Anne

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