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What Do a Wedding, Treats & Tricks in Church and All Saints all Have in Common?

They all come before I go on Study Leave for two weeks!

Yes, I am on Study Leave for the next two weeks beginning Monday November 1st. During this time I will be attending to a couple of previously scheduled meetings: Worship and Sanctuary Committee on November 2nd at 3PM and the Executive’s Grounding Meeting on November 3rd at 6:30PM. I will also remain available for any pastoral emergencies.

My plan for the two weeks are to: take part in the Courageous Economy Summit, work on Advent liturgies and sermons, read, and begin the transition of the content from our present website ( to a new website ( with a new hosting provider (Wix). You can see that I’ve already been at work some… Have a look at the new site and send me any comments or suggestions you might have.

For the past few years we have been using WordPress as a means to publish and host our website. WordPress is primarily a blogging site and does not offer media storage or embedding abilities that meet our current needs – nor does it do a good job of integrating email distribution or realtime chat capabilites.

The goal of this project is to have a website that is a little fresher, interactive and more accessible – for example, visitors being to contact us from the site and and view the Sunday Gathering on the website without needing a Facebook account, Again, your feedback is welcome.

Is there any new content that would like to see on the website? The first priority is to develop some new content for the “Giving” page and as time allows we will add more as it is suggested.

I am looking forward to being with you all on Sunday morning at 11AM for Halloween Sunday – I do hope you’ll join in the fun and come dressed as you did when you made your way to your computer or device for online church!! Or, come as you favourite superhero or politician…

Happy Halloween!

And please remember to email the name(s) of those you’d like to remember on Monday evening as we gather at 7PM for A Gathering of the Saints.



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