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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

3rd Sunday of Lent, March 7th 2021

This Sunday, we will pause at our third milestone of the Lenten Journey as we reflect on the story of Jesus turning the tables in the temple.

Lent is traditionally a time of reflection and self examination and the Gospel text for this Sunday certainly invites such self examination and reflection.

There are two learning opportunities via Zoom that you may find useful. One I mentioned in my Musings on Monday, hosted by St. Paul’s United Church with Tom Johnson focusing on the Treaties of Peace and Friendship that the Wabanaki (People of the Dawn), which includes the Wolastoqiyik, Mi’kmaq, Penobscot and Passamaquoddy, entered into with the Crown prior to 1779. Tom is Wolastoqiyik and a member of Tobique First Nation, who grew up in and continues to make Riverview his home. He is a respected Indigenous knowledge keeper and researcher. Tom works as Geographic Information Systems Coordinator (GIS Coordinator) at Mi’gmawel Tplu’taqnn Inc. If you’ like to join in this conversation send me a note and I’ll share the link with you.

The second opportunity is the second in a series of opportunities being offered by FundySt. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council. On Wednesday March 10th from 2-3PM join others in a discussion about “Becoming An Anti-Racist Church”. You can register by following this link.

With the assistance of the Preacher’s Help Group I hope to be able to offering some meaningful reflection on the story of Jesus turning the tables – truth be told, it was the first Bible story that ever really captured my attention as the story was depicted in an image in the little white Bible given to me by my grandparents on the occasion of my baptism in 1968. Though I don’t often turn to it, given to the fact that it is a King James translation and the print is so fine, it has been a valued keepsake over the years.

If you’d like to review the all of the readings for this coming Sunday, you can do so by going here. This is the resource used regularly by the Preacher’s Help Group.

I do hope that you will take part in one or more of the opportunities for spiritual reflection and community engagement listed below. It is so important for us to be together in whatever ways we can in these challenging times.



Weekly During Lent

  1. Tuesday @ 10:30AM Preacher’s Help Group (Zoom)

  2. Tuesday @ 7PM Small Group Study: Journey in Lent (Zoom) A 30 minute pause to ponder our spiritual pathway.

  3. Wednesday @ 5PM Virtual Community Supper (Zoom)

  4. Thursday @ 7PM Beer & (no) Hymns (Zoom)

  5. Sunday @ 11AM Sunday Gathering @ Sackville United Church and live-streamed via Facebook Live *

  6. Sunday @ 11:45AM Conversation & Community (Zoom)

  7. Sunday @ 4PM Wondering in the Wandering (Zoom) A time of wondering and sharing for children and adults of all ages.

* Upper Sackville will be offering in-person Sunday Gatherings once per month: February 21st, March 28th and April 4th (Easter Sunday) at 9AM.

As we conclude our time together,
 may we speak of God’s goodness;  our hands hold those in need;  and our feet walk with those   who journey toward justice.
And may we all be reminded again 
  and again and again that we are loved – 
    and called only to love as we’ve have been loved.
And may this be our rhythm—  again and again and again. 
In the name of the Lover, the Beloved, 
  and Love itself.  Amen.
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