A Circle of Friends in Prayer
Sackville United has for many years supported and relied on what came to be called ‘The Prayer Group’ or ‘Prayer Circle’. Over time the group has fluctuated in numbers but has always relied on the leadership of a coordinator who would receive prayer requests and then circulate those request in the form of an email, at the beginning of the month, to those in the circle.
Kathy Carr who has served as coordinator of the Prayer Circle for the past number of years has had to let this work go as a result of her own health challenges.
The coordinator of the Prayer Circle would be responsible for receiving requests for prayer and sharing those requests, in confidence with other members at the beginning of the month via email. All members of the circle will hold any and all requests for prayer in the confidence in which they are received. Occasionally the coordinator may share other resources such as articles, prayers or poems to support the members of the circle as they hold members of the community in care.
Is this a ministry that you would be willing to share in? As a member of the circle? As the coordinator? Listen to Leaning In: A Prayer of Intention and perhaps you might discern a calling! If you are interested in knowing more or want to become a part of the Circle of Friends in Prayer contact me and I’ll add you to the group.
We pray for the lonely ones knowing that some of us are lonely and we pray for the heartbroken ones knowing that some of us are heartbroken
All our hearts and minds are leaning in with clear intention joining in your way of love in the world
We pray for the wounded knowing that some of us are wounded and we pray for the regretful ones knowing that some of us are regretful
All our hearts and minds are leaning in with clear intention joining in your way of love in the healing
We pray for the starving ones knowing that some of us are starving and we pray for the imprisoned ones knowing that some of us are imprisoned
All our hearts and minds are leaning in with clear intention joining in your way of justice in the world
We pray for the dying ones knowing that some of us are dying and we pray for the newly born ones knowing that some of us are arriving
All our hearts and minds are leaning in with clear intention joining in your way of love in the world
“Leaning In: A Prayer of Intention” is a sung prayer of intercession that aims to break down the distinction between the typical “us” and “them:” of such prayers. It also shifts away from petition (asking God to do things) toward intention (setting a path of joining in what God is doing in the world). You can watch it on Youtube.