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All Saints' Hymnsing

October 29, 3PM at Sackville United

Sackville United will be hosting a All Saints'-themed hymnsing Sunday October 29 at 3pm!

We have a list of 20 potential hymns, of which we will be singing 10.
Which 10, you ask? Well, that is up to you!

For each $10 pledge made in loving memory and/or in celebration of an individual or individuals, you get one "vote" for a preferred hymn. You are welcome to make as many pledges as you like, and to vote multiple times for the same hymn or make multiple pledges in loving memory of the same individual. The names of all those held in care and celebration will be listed in the program for the hymnsing as we celebrate the saints all around us, as well as those who have gone on before.

How to Vote for Your Favourite Hymns

Using the list of hymns below, use the Hymnsing Pledge Form (also available in fillable .doc format) to indicate your choice of hymns, number of pledges per hymn, and dedication information - a Sample Pledge Form can be found here. Paper copies of the pledge form are also available in the church sanctuary. You may also email the church office with your list of hymns, number of $10 votes/pledges per hymn, and list of dedications.

Your donation to this fundraiser (suggested value $10/vote) can be given in-person at the church office, sent by e-transfer to, or left in the Sunday morning offering plate marked "All Saints' Hymnsing".

The 10 hymns with the most votes/pledges will be the ones we sing!

This event will also feature two hymns performed by the choir from the upcoming new UCC hymnbook "Then Let Us Sing". This is taken from a sampler selection of hymns that we at Sackville United have volunteered to give feedback on as part of the final content of the new hymnal!

Please join us in raising voices (and funds) as part of this special event!
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