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April 1 – Announcements

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                         ON PAUSE Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky         10am Thursdays     Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making at Main St. Baptist Tuesdays 10am/Wednesdays 7pm       Spiritual Literacy Group at SUC Sundays 9:15am                              Book Study in the Quiet Room at SUC April 1              Easter Sunday                                                6am/9am/11am April 21            Silent/Live/Talent Auction at SUC                    6:30pm

Easter decoration

Easter decoration with sugar rabbits,eggs and flowers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS for April 1, 2018 – Easter Sunday

APCWWE Donations Now Being Accepted:  With the signing of an official memorandum of understanding between Sackville United Church and the All For Peace: Children’s Welfare and Women’s Empowerment (APCWWE), we are now able to receive and pass on charitable donations to this organization, started in part by Jafari Songolo Ramazani, one of our new arrival family members.  Read more about the APCWWE on the church website.

Conversation Café and Potluck at SUC:  On the last Sunday of the month, we welcome a special guest speaker to help us explore our faith in a different way, followed by a potluck.  Coming next on April 29.

Your Feedback is Appreciated:  Rev. Lloyd, on behalf of the worship committee, has sent out several online surveys inviting your feedback on worship services.  Paper copies of these surveys are and/or will be available in the church sanctuary for anyone interested in sharing their thoughts with the Worship and Sanctuary Committee of the pastoral charge.

PAPER COPIES OF ONLINE MATERIALS:  For those who are not tech savvy or who do not own a computer, paper copies of Lloyd’s Monday Musings and other web-only material are available through the church office.  If anyone wishes a copy of Rev. Lloyd’s sermon from March 4 in Upper Sackville, please speak to Jennie.

SILENT/LIVE/TALENT AUCTION:  A silent/live/talent auction   will be held here in the sanctuary on SATURDAY, APRIL 21st beginning at 6:30. Donations of quality items are requested and welcomed.  If needed, we can pick up the items from your home.  Your talents are also solicited.  Babysitting, tutoring, baking, snow removal, plumbing, cottage rental, shared meals, plant sharing are just some of the talents.  We encourage your imagination to think of a talent you could offer.  Sign up sheets are available on the discernment board.  Proceeds from this event will be shared between Sackville United and the Refugee Outreach.

Coffee and dessert will be served.

Join us for fun and fellowship.

The co-ordinating group are Wallie Sears, Judith Colwell, David and Diane Fullerton and Elsie MacDonald

A “SOCIAL VISIT”:  Family members of some residents at the Drew are seeking friends of their loved ones to make social visit.  If you are willing to share your contact information with these individuals so they can reach out to you, please let the office know.

Prayers for the Community: Is there someone or something you would like held or lifted up in prayer this month?  Our prayer circle is ready to hear your concerns and joys and pray for them – please send your messages to Mora MacDonald at  All requests are kept in confidence among the group, who are always mindful of your privacy.

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS FOR WINTER 2018:  Wed-Fri, 8am-11am.  Thursdays the office is often open until 11:30am or 12pm


Mark 16:1-8 (John 20:1-18)


VU 179 Hallelujah, Give Thanks

A New Day to Celebrate (words onscreen)

MV 26 Your Love is Amazing

VU 157 Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Learn More at the United Church Website:

Read the Moderator’s Easter Message:

Support Bill C-262 on Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

Call for More Funding to UN Relief Agencies for Palestinians:

Put an End to Islamaphobia:

What’s Going on with Remits (UCC reorganization/reformation):

Rohingya Crisis:

Address the Root Causes of Famine:

A Song of Faith and other official statements on who we are as a denomination:

End Gender-Based Violence:

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Sackville United Church

Office:    (506) 536-0498 or Email

Minister: (506) 940-1151 or Email 

110 Main Street, Sackville, NB E4L 1A1

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