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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

April 30 – Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                                    9:30am Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky                  10-11am Thursdays   Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian)             9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making at Main St Baptist   1pm TODAY          Potluck PARTY for Rev. Jenn at SUC                               12pm TODAY          Memory Café at SUC                                                            2pm May 8            African Grandmother Visits SUC (TAG)                        3pm May 10          Pastoral Charge Annual Meeting at SUC                      7pm May 13          Yard & Bake Sale at Upper Sackville                             8-11am May 28          Music Afternoon at Upper Sackville                             2pm June 1           Shared Ministry Circle at SUC                                  6:30pm


Potluck Luncheon and Farewell Celebration for Rev. Jenn:  Sunday, April 30th is Rev. Jennifer Brown’s last day with us and there will be a potluck luncheon immediately following the 11am church service.  It is suggested that Last names starting with A-M should bring desserts and last names starting with N-Z should bring main course – sandwiches, salads, etc. Hope to see you there!

SUC EXECUTIVE LOOKING TO FILL ONE MORE POSITION:  The SUC Executive is seeking to fill the fourth available elder position.  Anyone who is interested can speak to a member of the Executive.

A SPECIAL VISITOR HOSTED AT SUC:  South African Grandmother – Mama Darlina, will be speaking on Monday, May 8 at 3pm at Sackville United Church.  This is sponsored by the Tantramar Association of Grandmothers and Others.

SACKVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE ANNUAL MEETING: The Annual Meeting of the Sackville Pastoral Charge will be held on Wednesday, May 10 at 7pm at Sackville United Church.

COMING UP AT UPPER SACKVILLE:  Upper Sackville will host their annual yard and bake sale on Saturday, May 13 from 8-11am.  Also coming up is a music afternoon from 2-4pm on May 28, featuring gospel favourites and fellowship!

OPEN SKY COFFEE AND CONVERSATION ON PAUSE:  As the ground warms up and the growing season begins, our friends from open sky will be taking a summer pause from our weekly coffee and conversation mornings.  We will look forward to welcoming their return in the fall, and to dropping by the farm to say hello and pick up a vegetable/egg or two over the summer!

POETRY READ-OUT:  THIS SUNDAY!  Marilyn Lerch, Sackville Poet Laureate, sends along an invitation for persons who may be  interested in taking part in the Third Annual Community Poetry Read out.  Sunday, April 30, 1-3 in the Council Chambers. All one has to do is write and say you want to participate and give the poem (not more than 75 lines). Food and music will be provided.​

AN UPDATE FROM THE SRRC: The Sackville Refugee Response Coalition has been pleased to welcome two refugee families from Syria to our community over the past few months. The most important factor in the settlement of our families has been the participation of the Welcome Committees for each family.  This committee is responsible for greeting and welcoming the family and helping them settle into life in Canada and in Sackville, doing everything from setting up bank accounts, accompanying them to medical appointments, helping them navigate daily activities such as grocery shopping, and many other things.  In preparation for the arrival of our third family, a family of four from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, hopefully soon, the SRRC is establishing a third Welcome Committee.  If you are interested in participating in an experience that will be life-changing, please contact Diane Fullerton at 536-3749, email her at, or send us a message through the SRRC’s Facebook page.

CENTERING PRAYER:  Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.

OPERATION BEAUTIFICATION:  We have been invited to participate in the first annual “Operation Beautification” town clean-up project, on May 10 anytime between 8:30am-6:30pm.  Supplies, gloves, and snacks will be provided.

CEMETERY CLEANUP DAY:  The Pastoral Charge group responsible for the Methodist Burying Ground (Middle Sackville) and have decided to organize a cemetery cleanup on May 10th – the town beautification day. We are asking for volunteers from each church to come between 1 and 4 with boots and rakes, etc. For that day and time we need someone with a truck to take away tree limbs.  For more information or to volunteer please contact Phyllis Stopps at 536-0961.


1 Peter 1: 17-23 Luke 24: 13-35


Praise My Soul, The God of Heaven, VU 240 I Have Called You By Your Name, MV 161 My Love Colours Outside the Lines, MV 138 It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker, MV 30 Offertory Response: Hallelujah, Give Thanks, VU 179 chorus, v.2, chorus

Quotations to Ponder

There is no hospitality like understanding. -Vanna Bonta

Smile at Strangers and you just might change a life. -Steve Maraboli

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. – Hebrews 13:2

Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family. – Suzy Kassem

True hospitality is marked by an open response to the dignity of each person. Henri Nouwen has described it as receiving the stranger on his own terms, and asserts that it can be offered only by those who have found the center of their lives in their own hearts. – Kathleen Norris


As was mentioned at the Annual Meeting of the congregation, the Executive feel that the Exterior Window frames are in need of painting.  We would like to see this done this Spring.  An estimate of $4200 has been suggested.  There is also a potential additional expense to replace rotting wood on some of the frames.

As this falls outside of our regular budget, we would like to see this as a Special Fundraising Project which the congregation would support in addition to regular offerings.

A “Window of Opportunity” covered in sticky notes with various donation amounts (from $1 to $500) is now up at the back of the Sanctuary to help us in our fundraising efforts!

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