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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

August 20 – Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                          ON PAUSE Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky         ON PAUSE Thursdays    Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian)  ON PAUSE 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making                            ON PAUSE July 2-Sept 3  Summer Services for the Pastoral Charge at SUC   10am TODAY           Gary MacDonald/Food Bank Sunday                            10am Aug 20            Summer Service at Anderson Settlement                    2pm Aug 27            Beer and Hymns at Ducky’s Pub                                      7pm Sept 9             Book, Bake & Jewellery Sale at SUC                     8am-12pm Sept 10           Regular Service Times Resume        9am USUC/11am SUC


ANNOUNCEMENTS for August 20, 2017 11th Sunday after Pentecost

A Special thanks to Gary MacDonald for his warm and inspiring words this summer morning!

SUMMER SERVICE AT ANDERSON SETTLEMENT:  There will be a service at Anderson Settlement United led by Kyle Wells on Sunday, August 20 at 2pm.  All are welcome!

BOOK, BAKE, AND JEWELLERY SALE:  Coming up on September 9 from 8am-12pm!  This time round we’ve added a jewellery sale to the event. I expect, like me, you have items of jewellery stored away in drawers and boxes which are pining to see the light of day. This sale is their big chance to be ‘new’ again. Please gather them up and bring them to the church on one of the next two Sundays, Aug. 20 or 27th, or even Sept. 3rd if you move slowly! I will be collecting the pieces and manning the jewellery table. Also if you have anything like a ‘jewellery tree’ which you could lend for the morning to help display the jewellery, most appreciated. (Susan Dales)

FOOD BANK SUNDAY: Sunday, August 20 is Food Bank Sunday for the month.  We are invited to bring our offerings of non-perishable food items or consider a monetary contribution to the food bank to help meet the immediate needs of our neighbours and friends, even as we continue to address the underlying injustices that lead to long-term food insecurity.  Of particular need this month are cereal, juice, peanut butter, jam, and any sort of canned goods.

DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY: Friday afternoons 2-4pm during the summer, we explore together what Happiness really means. More information on the Open Sky Facebook Page.

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

BEER AND HYMNS:  This month’s theme is “Pastoral Charge Favourites”.  Ducky’s Pub from 7-8pm on Sunday evenings:  next on August 27.  Come out and raise your voices (and glasses!).

LOOKING AHEAD:  On October 8, Margaret Tusz-King will be leading a service on a theme of food, hunger, and the work of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  She is looking for volunteers interested in planning and/or participating in the service.


Luke 4: 16-22, Philippians 4: 4-9


God of the Sparrow, VU 229 Breathe on Me, Breath of God, VU 382 Come To My Heart, Lord Jesus, VU 661 Offertory Response: What Can I Do? MV 191 My Life Flows On, VU 716

SPC Summer Music Series

This summer, we’re doing something new and exciting at SPC!  Each Sunday morning worship this summer will feature a specific musical theme/genre, with a mix of popular hymns and familiar favourites we don’t always get to sing in church!  Join us for these joyful Sundays that will have you swaying in your seat!

Aug 13/20: Pulpit Supply (Sara Jewell/Gary MacDonald) Aug 27: The Beatles Sept 3: Canadian Songwriters Part II

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