Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group ON PAUSE Wednesdays Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky ON PAUSE Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday Project Linus Blanket Making at Main St. Baptist Tuesdays 10am/Wednesdays 7pm Spiritual Literacy Group at SUC Dec 17 Christmas Carols and Cocktails 7pm Dec 21 SPC “Longest Night” Service at 110 Main 7pm Dec 24 Christmas Eve No 9am service at Upper Sackville 11am Pastoral Charge morning service at SUC 7pm Christmas Eve service at SUC 9pm Christmas Eve service at Upper Sackville (communion) Dec 31 Pastoral Charge New Year’s Eve Service 10am
Glad Tidings of Great Joy to All People
ANNOUNCEMENTS for December 17, 2017- 3rd Sunday of Advent
NEW KEYS FOR THE CHURCH BUILDING: New keys for the church building are now available for pickup! Please bring your old keys so we can dispose of them, and visit the church office to collect your key during regular hours or on Sunday following church.
CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND COCKTAILS: Join us at 7pm at Ducky’s Pub for “Christmas Carols and Cocktails” on December 17, and raise your voices (and glasses) with some favourite Christmas tunes!
COFFEE AND CONVERSATION WITH OPEN SKY ON PAUSE: We are “On Pause” for the holidays, but will look forward to sharing our time together in the new year!
SHARED MINISTRY GATHERING: There will be a shared ministry gathering at SUC at 6:30pm on January 16 – hope to see you there!
NEW NAMETAGES AT SUC: As you enter the SUC sanctuary you will notice we have new magnetic nametags. Please take a moment to choose a marker from the variety of available colours and write your name on a tag. Jennifer Bruce will also be available to print name labels for those who would prefer them. Volunteers will be available to assist you if you need help writing on or putting on your nametag. A basket for collections to go towards the cost of the new nametags is available in the sanctuary.
ANDERSON SETLLEMENT CHRISTMAS SERVICE: “There will be a service of Carols and Lessons to be held for the Anderson Settlement United Church Community to be held at the house of Richard Wells, Wednesday December 20th at 6 P.M. All are welcome to attend this reflective service which will explore the history of carols, and mark in Scripture the passing of Advent. For more details please contact Anderson Settlement United Church Secretary: Kyle Wells at kylerdwells@gmail.com. We also thank those who continue to help us maintain our United Church presence in our community. Happy Christmas to all!”
GOT A FRIDGE TO SPARE?: Sackville United is looking for someone who may have an extra full-size fridge to donate to our kitchenette. This second fridge will be used to help store food for large and catered events, and will only be used from time to time in order to save on energy costs.
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: Fiona Brett is once again organizing a Christmas pageant, and is looking for volunteers “for musical talents in the show, all ages, and any talents.” Please speak with Fiona for more information.
AFTERNOON CAROLLING: Come and sing carols Sunday, Dec.17th at one o’clock. Join a group of carollers to take some musical cheer to folks who are unable to attend church. These folks have told the carollers that they look forward to their visits, and the carollers love to share their voices in celebration. You will “feel your heart grow three sizes” As you spend the afternoon sharing your voice and yourself. Participants are encouraged to bring a light lunch that day. If anyone from the congregation feels inspired to bring a contribution to lunch, it would certainly be appreciated. We will have sign-up sheets at church this Sunday for those who plan to join us caroling or to help with lunch. We look forward to all ages taking part in this wonderful activity. We welcome any suggestions of names of people whom you think would enjoy a visit that day. Just give the name to either Elsie or Diane. Spend two hours from your Sunday afternoon to brighten the season for all, then come and relax later in the evening at “Christmas Carols and Cocktails”!
GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV. LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd? He can be reached at spcminister@nb.aibn.com or by calling (506) 940-1151.
Luke 1:24-55
Joy to the World, VU 59 Joy Shall Come Even in the Wilderness, VU 23 Dreaming Mary, MV 134 Go Tell It On the Mountain, VU 43 You Shall Go Out With Joy, VU p.884