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December 31 Announcements - Happy New Year!

We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email ( We are here for you and for each other!

Sunday Worship: Our Regular Sunday Worship is held at 11am both in-person at Sackville United and online via our SUC Facebook Page. Mask-wearing and distancing are encouraged but not mandatory. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church website in the days immediately following the service.

We will hold our regular Sunday gathering at 11am this Sunday, December 31.

Christmas Thanks and Blessings:  Christmas blessings of hope, peace, joy, and love to you all! Thank you to all who shared in Christmas Eve carolling at the Drew, and for brightening the day of so many. Thank you as well to the SUC choir, who went above and beyond to provide music at the Drew (twice!), Sackville hospital, and for our Sunday gatherings. And very special thanks to Rev. Lloyd, for the countless ways his words and actions enhance and inspire our congregation.

Sackville United Church Choir:  The choir is pleased to announce it's new regular rehearsal time of 5-6pm on Thursday evenings.  (There will be NO choir for this week, as the members are taking a well-earned break!) All are welcome - no audition or experience is necessary, nor is mandatory attendance. The choir also meets starting at 10:15am or 10:20am on Sundays. Come make a joyful noise with us!

Senior's Lunch Group: A message from Brenda Allen, coordinator of the group: "Thank you to those who came to Patterson's on Tuesday,  There were 11 of us and it was an enjoyable lunch and so good to see so many of you.  Merry Christmas and all the best of good health for 2024." The Senior's Lunch Group will meet in the first part of 2024 on the THIRD Tuesday of the month on the following dates: February 20, March 19, April 16, May 21 and June 18  Please note that there will not be a get-together in January.

Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky:  Coffee and conversation is held every Wednesday morning at 10am at Sackville United (TBA ASAP which date we will resume on in the New Year!). Bring your appetite for delicious baked goods and conversation - all are welcome!

Prayer Bench Group Subscription Coming to an End:  The Prayer Bench is now moving away from annual group subscriptions. As such, we will no longer be receiving these resources regularly, but have been invited to save or bookmark the URL (web address) of any resources we have previously purchased that we would like to retain.  Please contact the church office if you would like any of these resources bookmarked on your behalf.

Two 20-sided dice, one dark grey, the other lime green, with white numbers.

Family Games Night at SUC:  Meeting next on January 18.  Christy Watts shares: "I hope everyone is having a good week so far, this is a friendly reminder that Family Games Night meets on the third Thursday of each month from 6-8pm. This games night will be for anyone that is interested in attending. Remember you can bring a friend along and snacks for yourself or to share, all ages are welcome. You can contact Christy with any questions or concerns at 506-612-0608 or by emailing the church office.

Family Friendly Games Night will be held on the third Thursday of every month at the Sackville United Church (110 Main St) from 6-8 pm.

Support Group for Caregivers: Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 1:30pm - Dates for January 2024 TBA ASAP.  An informal get-together with light refreshments for current and former caregivers of those with dementia or physical issues to share experiences of their journey and to know that you are not alone and can depend on support and understanding from each other. Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone you think would be interested. Contact the church office or speak to Diane Fullerton or Sheina Grant for more details. All are welcome!

Scripture/Announcement Readers: We are grateful that we have volunteers signed up until the end of the year! Would you be interested in reading on Sunday Morning? You may sign up on the list on the Circles of Service Board or by calling the Church office.  On Thursday afternoon the Church Office will communicate with you and provide you with the specific text(s) you will be asked to read, including the possibility of a selection of modern wisdom in the form of a quote from a current text. A sign-up list for Scripture from January - March 2024 is posted on the circles of service board, and we are still seeking readers for January and February!

Food Bank In Need:  As the cost of living continues to steeply rise, here are a list of items needed this week by the Sackville Food Bank. Items dropped off at the church will be collected weekly, and monetary donations collected through SUC will be given directly to the food bank.  Please see information about food insecurity and food insecurity resources in Sackville here.

For school lunches:

  • granola bars, fruit cups, small yogurts, tuna, peanut butter, Cheez Whiz, jams, etc.

Also needed for families and single adults:

  • cereal

  • crackers, cookies

  • pancake mix and maple syrup

  • baking needs: flour, sugar, shortening, baking powder, salt, etc.

  • canned and fresh fruit

  • canned and fresh vegetables

  • canned tuna and meats

  • cans of baked beans

  • pasta meals (KD, Side Kicks, etc.)

  • pasta sauce, canned tomatoes

  • rice and rice meals

  • instant coffee, regular coffee, tea bags

  • children's diapers (all sizes from newborn to pull ups)

  • baby wet wipes

  • toilet paper and tissues

  • sanitary products (pads and Tampex)

  • dish detergent

  • toothpaste and toothbrushes

  • deodorant

  • shampoo

REMINDER from the Food Security Action Group: Meal Delivery for Low-Income Seniors Program Available:  Co-ordinated through Nursing Homes without Borders and in conjunction with Horizon NB, there is a new meal service for reduced-income seniors available throughout the rural Tantramar area. Because NHWW is paying for the delivery, the senior must be a registered client of the Nursing Home Without Walls program. Terissa has confirmed there is no cost and no criteria to be a client of NHWW.  Once a senior is a client of NHWW and their application is approved by United Way to receive the meals ( must have income level or lower) then the client pays only $40 per month for a weekly delivery of 10 meals.  Please encourage all the seniors in our area who are struggling financially to put a meal on the table, to reach out to Nursing Home without Walls for this service. Forms for application can be found here and here.

Broadview Subscription Renewal Time

Please contact the church Office ASAP to indicate if you are renewing your subscription!
Please note the price change - now $30 for the year (still a steal!)
New subscribers welcome at anytime!

What's New at Broadview:  The United Church magazine has a variety of topical articles on subjects that reflect many of the interests and initiatives of our congregation. Please contact the church office to renew your subscription if you have not already and/or to sign up through our discounted group subscription rate of only $30/year. New subscriptions can be added at anytime of year!

Fall Church Office Hours: The church office hours are Tuesdays/Thursdays from 12-4:30pm.  Any changes to this schedule, including illness or snow days (during which Jennie can sometimes be found working remotely) will be posted on the church FB page, and, if possible, on the church doors as well.

Preacher's "Help Group" (Scripture Study): meeting on Tuesdays at 10:30am via zoom. Speak to Rev. Lloyd for more details.

Care and support for one another in Community:  Meeting in the new year on January 11 & 25.  People of all ages and walks of life are invited to gather for a time of silent prayer in the sanctuary two evenings a month on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 7pm for approximately 15-20 minutes. This offers an intentional way to hold in prayer all those persons in our lives for whom we have care and concern. And an understanding that we all carry some heaviness in our lives. All are welcome.

 “Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another” * *Henri Nouwen

Parents and Tots:  Parents and Tots meets Thursday Mornings from 9:30am to 11:00am at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. There is no charge, and volunteers are present to assist with childcare. Bring your young ones for a time of community, play and fellowship (and a chance to chat with other grownups!).

Affirming Fund and Benevolent Fund: These two funds, one of them newly created, allow Sackville United to respond to individual needs of those in our local community. The newly-created Affirming Fund is intended for local LGBTQ2+ persons needing assistance - this includes support for gender affirming care (legal changes of name and/or gender, LGBTQ2+ related medical expenses not covered by health insurance, etc.) and other areas in which LGBTQ2+ persons might be of need. Both of these funds exist by virtue of your generous donations. Contributions can be made regularly through PAR (contact the church office to update), by e-transfer, or by indicating the name of the fund to which you wish to contribute on your offering envelope.

What's Coming Up

  • AA meets 12-1pm Saturdays in the sanctuary (NOTE: this week AA will meet upstairs on account of a memorial service in the sanctuary at 1pm)

  • Food Bank Collection every Sunday

  • THIS WEEK: Choir "on vacation", Sunday worship at 11am

Watch recordings of previous services:

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