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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Feb 19 – Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                            9:30am Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky         10-11am Thursdays     Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian)  9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus at Main St Baptist                          1pm Feb 20              UCW at SUC                                                               12:15pm Feb 22              Happy 2nd Birthday Megan Party                        10am Feb 26              “Memory Café” at SUC                                          2pm Feb 28              Pancake Tuesday and Trivia Night at SUC       6pm March 1            Ash Wednesday Service at USUC                       6:30pm March 3            World Day of Prayer Service at St. Anne’s     7pm March 5            SUC Annual Meeting                                             1pm March 12          USUC Annul Meeting                                            12:30pm March 25         Earth Hour “Shut Off the Power” at SUC       7pm April 23           UCW Service                                                             9am/11am

ANNOUNCEMENTS for Feb 19, 2017- Epiphany VII

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN:  Although Megan will be turning 2 on February 23, she will be coming to the Open Sky coffee hour on Wednesday Feb 22 with some cupcake treats to help celebrate her Happy Birthday!  All are welcome to come for a snack and a chat – no gifts needed.

MEMORY CAFÉ: Beginning next Sunday, February 26, Sackville United will be welcoming a group of dedicated volunteers who will offer a “Memory Café” with music, snacks and a comfortable opportunity for socialization persons and caregivers who are coping with memory problems.  The café will run from 2-4:30pm the final Sunday of each month, and all are welcome.

PANCAKES AND TRIVIA AT SUC:  Come and join us for an evening of light-hearted fun as we share a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and then follow it up with some pub-style trivia with an SUC twist!  Start planning your trivia team of 2-4 people now.  We don’t want to ruin the surprise of what the prize will be, but it will be AMAZING.  Dinner starts at 6pm, with trivia beginning at 7 – categories will all be SPC and United Church-related, but on a light-hearted note for all ages.

SUC ANNUAL MEETING: The 2016 Annual Meeting for Sackville United Church will be held on Sunday, March 5th at 1 pm. There will be a time for lunch and fellowship following the worship service, and before the meeting begins.

UPPER SACKVILLE ANNUAL MEETING: The 2016 Annual Meeting for Upper Sackville United Church will be held on Sunday, March 12th at 12:30pm

UCW: Monday, February 20 at 12:15 p.m. at Sackville United – bring your sandwich or soup or whatever you plan to eat for lunch and join us for our meeting. FACEBOOK, WEBSITE and TELEPHONE TREES – ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF THE TEAM?:  The Communications Group met recently and has posted several new circles of service on the discernment board.   Please sign up if you are interested in being a part of the following:

Facebook Enthusiast:  Help make our FB page an enthusiastic and energetic place!  (all ages welcome)

Website Makeover:  Would you like to envision an updated version of our webpage that reflects the energy and character of the pastoral charge?  No technical skill required.

Telephone Tree Callers:  We have a small number of people in our community who do not have access to online materials.  Help them stay informed and in touch!

REMITS:  An extremely significant series of votes to determine the future direction of the United Church will be held over the coming year and a half.  For a brief introduction to some of what we are being asked to consider, please see the insert in your bulletin.  The information is also online.

ANNUAL REPORTS:  It’s not too early to send in your annual reports to the church office!  A date for the annual meetings for SUC and SPC have not yet been set, but work is already underway to have everything ready in time!  All reports need to be in ASAP, as the tentative date for the distribution of the Annual Report is Friday, February 24.

Would Someone You Know Appreciate a Pastoral Care Visit?:  Pastoral care for SPC is generously being provided by Rev. Jean Ward.  For any pastoral care needs, or if you know someone who might appreciate a visit, please contact Rev. Ward directly – 902-694-4372 or

UCW COLLECTING SMALL ITEMS TO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE:  UCW continues to save the following items:  Independent Grocery Tapes, pop tabs, plastic bread tabs, used postage stamps (1/4″ border), Campbell’s Soup Labels, the front cover of used Greeting Cards.  All items can be left in the basket which is on the book shelf as you come in the main entrance of the church.

CENTERING PRAYER:  Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.

Check out the projects, ideas, and circles of interest on the SUC Discernment Board (to the left of the sanctuary entrance): Sign your name for something that interests you, or start a group of your own!

Help host or attend our Wednesday morning coffee time co-hosted with Open Sky

Host Coffee & Conversation after church

Communications Group Circles (FB Enthusiasts, Website Makeover Team, Telephone Tree Callers)

Join the Affirm team


Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 Matthew 5:38-48


Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song as I Journey, VU 641, v.1,2,4 Christ Has No Body Now But Yours, MV 171 Bathe Me in Your Light, MV 82 Your Love is Amazing, MV 26 Offertory Response: What Does the Lord Require of You, VU 701

Quotations to Ponder

The only thing an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is good for is creating an eyeless, toothless world. – Calvin Miller

It seems to be a difficult concept for most of us that peace is a skill that can be learned. We know war can be learned, but we seem to think that one becomes a peacemaker by a mere change of heart. – Mahatma Gandhi

Oh! That gentleness! How far more potent is it than force! – Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself.  – Chinese Proverb

They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they’d make up their minds. – Winston Churchill

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