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Feb 25 – Announcements

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                   ON PAUSE Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky  10am Thursdays    Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews)                     9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making at Main St. Baptist Tuesdays 10am/Wednesdays 7pm       Spiritual Literacy Group at SUC Sundays 9:15am        Book Study in the Quiet Room at SUC TODAY            Conversation Café and Potluck                      11am March 2          World Day of Prayer Service at SUC              2pm March 4          SUC Annual Meeting (bag lunch)                   12pm March 11        Upper Sackville Annual Meeting                   10am March 18        SPC Annual Meeting (please bring bag lunch) 12pm April 1            Easter Sunday                                       7am/9am/11am

Many thanks to Doreen and Isaiah for sharing their gift of words and music during today’s service.

ANNOUNCEMENTS for February 25, 2018 – Lent II

Conversation Café and Potluck at SUC:  On the last Sunday of the month, we welcome a special guest speaker to help us explore our faith in a different way, followed by a potluck.  Details of our next guest coming soon – all are welcome.  This month, on Feb 25, we welcome Doreen Richard, who worked for many years as Coordinator of Indigenous Affairs at Mount Allison.  We will follow the service with a potluck: last name A-M to bring dessert and N – Z to bring first course.

THE PRAYER NET: Our Sunday School invites everyone to participate in our “Prayer Net” project.  The Prayer Net is hung on the wall in the entrance way of our church.  Colourful fish are available to you to hang on our net.  On the back of the fish you are invited to write a short prayer, a hope you may have for our world or whatever may have some significance to you. As well, you may choose to hold a prayer, hope or dream for our world in your heart as you  hang your fish on the net without necessarily expressing your thoughts in writing. We welcome you to this project.  Your participation will do much to express support for the work of our Sunday School.

THOUGHTS FOR WORSHIP & SANCTUARY: The worship and sanctuary committee is always interested in your feedback about our sanctuary space and worship planning.  As we prepare for the season of Lent, we invite your thoughts and ideas of how the sanctuary might be decorated, and are happy to have additional volunteers in decorating. Our members are:  Janet Geier, Glenda Thornton, Jane Braedley, Bernice McMaster, Jennie Del Motte & Rev. Lloyd

SILENT & LIVE AUCTION AT SUC:  Some of the congregation have indicated an interest in having a Silent and Live Auction. There is a sheet on the Discernment Board if you are excited about helping with this idea and forming a bubble group to be a part of this, please sign the sheet.

ANNUAL REPORTS:  Thank you to everyone who submitted their annual reports already!  The time of our annual meetings swiftly approaches – if anyone has reports to submit as part of either the SUC or SPC annual reports, please send them to the church office ASAP!

ANNUAL MEETINGS:  Annual meetings for the congregations of the Sackville Pastoral Charge have been called by the chairs of their executives. They are as follows:  March 4, SUC 12pm – please bring bag lunch/snack; March 11, USUC 10am; March 18, SPC 12pm (meeting held at SUC) – please bring bag lunch/snack. ~ Bruce Moore (SUC), Bernice McMaster (USUC), Jane Braedley (SPC)

Prayers for the Community: Is there someone or something you would like held or lifted up in prayer this month?  Our prayer circle is ready to hear your concerns and joys and pray for them – please send your messages to Mora MacDonald at  All requests are kept in confidence among the group, who are always mindful of your privacy.

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE AT SUC:  This year Sackville United is hosting the annual ecumenical World Day of Prayer service, with music provided by Jennie.  All are welcome at this afternoon service, which begins at 2pm on Friday, March 2.

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS FOR WINTER 2018:  Wed-Fri, 8am-11am.  Thursdays the office is often open until 11:30am or 12pm.


Truck Lights”, a poem


MV 98 Like a River of Tears MV 18 Lord Prepare Me VU 713 I See a New Heaven

Learn More at United Church Website:

Support Bill C-262 on Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

Call for More Funding to UN Relief Agencies for Palestinians:

Put an End to Islamaphobia:

What’s Going on with Remits (UCC reorganization/reformation):

Rohingya Crisis:

Address the Root Causes of Famine:

Israeli Military Detention of and Violence against Children:

A Song of Faith and other official statements on who we are as a denomination:

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