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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

In The Final Days of Epiphany...

Monday February 13, 2023


In these days leading up to Lent I write to share with you information about some important opportunities for engagement in both your faith and the community of faith you are a part of.

Lenten Devotional Booklets and Devotional Cards based on the theme Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith are available on the Church website and from the Church office.

During each of our Sunday Gatherings during Lent we will engage the theme as we look at the questions asked of Jesus and the deep faith that Jesus calls his followers to – this reflection will then inform the conversations that will take place as we seek to discern the future mission and ministry of Sackville United Church.

Each Sunday, in the latter portion of our Sunday Gathering and on Monday evenings at 6:30PM, a Task Group appointed by the Executive will be facilitating a time of conversation around a series of questions designed to assist the congregation in identifying future mission and ministry priorities. In addition to these times of conversion there will be opportunity to respond to the questions via a Survey Monkey form. The Task Group will compile and synthesize the information gathered on one Sunday and bring it forward so that the next conversation can be informed by the previous one. The Task Group’s final task will be to craft a report for presentation to the Executive followed by a presentation to the Congregation. This is important work. Honest question and committed conversation lead to deeper faith. It is our hope and prayer that you will participate fully in the process. Watch the weekly announcements for more information and links to the Zoom meeting and Survey Monkey forms.

On Tuesday evenings during Lent we are offering an opportunity for individuals to explore what Michael Dowd calls A ProFuture Faith. Dowd says,

My intention in this course is to lift up the evolutionary purpose of religion and the ecological necessity of science to assist all of us in reclaiming our moral and prophetic voice on behalf of future generations. Such an evidence-based “sacred realism” and “compassionate resolve” can help us accept what is inevitable, avoid what is futile, and attend to what matters most. It can also help us stay sane, sober, and inspired in chaotic and difficult times.

Each Sunday morning Lloyd will send out the background material for the Tuesday evening session. The group will gather at 7PM to watch the lecture and then share in discussion using the guide provided. If you’ve ever wanted to explore a new language to describe your connectedness to mystery, creation, and its creatures this may be just what you need. All are welcome and remember, there are no right or wrong answers. To sign up please email Lloyd ( directly.

Lent begins with Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday February 21st, all are welcome to gather for the Feast and Fun of Pancakes. We’ll begin serving at 5PM and end the evening with some games.

An Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday February 22nd at 4PM. All are welcome to gather in the changing light to remember that we are dust and to dust and star dust we return.

In closing, on behalf of the Executive and all who offer their time and talents to shape us in community and guide us in ministry, may this Lent provide you space to seek: to ask honest questions – that you may arrive at a deeper faith!

Lloyd Bruce

Minister, Sackville United Church

Looking Ahead

Monday saw me in the office in the morning and on the road doing visits in the afternoon and Tuesday will me a reflection of Monday: meetings in the office in the morning followed by a couple of visits in the afternoon and another meeting in the afternoon.

On Wednesday I will gather with the folk from Open Sky and Seniors Sharing the Table for coffee and conversation before sharing in three pastoral visits over the afternoon - beginning with an invitation to lunch! On Wednesday evening the Executive will meet for their monthly business meeting.

And on Thursday, as has become my practice, I will work from home crafting a liturgy and sermon for Sunday. On Thursday evening I will meet with the Mission/Mnistry Task Group for their first meeting as we begin to prepare for the process laid out above.

Friday and Saturday are days of and on Saturday I am going to my first Wildcats game in a long long time... as they face off against the Sherbrooke Phoenix!

Sunday is marked as Transfiguration Sunday within the Church Calendar and I'm not yet sure where I'm going with the story of Jesus taking three of his disciples up a mountain, only to have two others join them in the dazzling light, and Peter wanting to build booths to hang out in... come to the mountaintop on Sunday and be surprised!

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