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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

January 15 – Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays          Centering Prayer Group                                          9:30am Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky           10-11am Thursdays        Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday    Project Linus Blanket Making                               1pm Jan 23                UCW Meeting (Open)                                              12:30pm Jan 23                SUC Executive Meeting                                          2pm Jan 27                Shared Ministry Gathering at SUC                     7pm Feb 12               IODE Shares Service at SUC                                  11am

ANNOUNCEMENTS for Jan 15, 2016 Epiphany II

AFFIRM: Sackville United has received word that our Affirm Vision Statement has been approved by Affirm United. We can now proceed to the next step of the Affirm Process, which is to develop and Action Plan. The Executive is inviting the creation of the Circle of Service to create this plan. It is hoped that this group could have a plan ready for the AGM. If you are interested in helping with this task, please sign up on the Discernment Board.

SHARED MINISTRY GATHERING:  The Elders, Craig Brett, Ed Burridge, and Elsie MacDonald would like to meet with representatives from each circle of service on January 26 at 7pm in the sanctuary. Representatives from the following  are invited:   Worship , Outreach, Property,  Drama Production, Book Study, Affirm,  Prayer Circle, Sunday School, Pastoral Care, Fundraisers, Wednesday coffee, etc. At this gathering, we will review and celebrate what has been done through the year,  assess the needs for ongoing Circles of Service, and encourage people to serve in various areas. If you are interested in being involved with any circle or establishing a new circle, feel free to attend.  All are welcome….Elsie

UCW Meeting:  The next SUC UCW meeting will be on Monday Jan. 23rd at 12:30 p.m. – all ladies of the Pastoral Charge are welcome to attend.

Some Sound (and visual) Advice: If you would like to learn how to use the sound board at the back of the church or to get involved with the words on the screen for Sunday worship, please sign up on the Discernment Board. Craig is willing to help show you the ropes (and buttons).

Would Someone You Know Appreciate a Pastoral Care Visit?:  Pastoral care for SPC is generously being provided by Rev. Jean Ward.  For any pastoral care needs, or if you know someone who might appreciate a visit, please contact Rev. Ward directly – 902-694-4372 or

2017 Offering Envelopes Now Available:  2017 offering envelopes are available for pickup on the table along the wall as you enter the sanctuary.    If you would like to receive offering envelopes but haven’t before, please contact the church office.

UCW COLLECTING SMALL ITEMS TO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE:  UCW continues to save the following items:  Independent Grocery Tapes, pop tabs, plastic bread tabs, used postage stamps (1/4″ border), Campbell’s Soup Labels, the front cover of used Greeting Cards.  All items can be left in the basket which is on the book shelf as you come in the main entrance of the church.

CENTERING PRAYER:  Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.


Isaiah 49: 1-7 John 1: 29-42


A Light is Gleaming, VU 82 v.1-2, 4 Bathe Me in Your Light, MV 82 Will You Come and See the Light, VU 96 v.1-2, 4-5 Here I am Lord, VU 509 Offertory Response:  When Heaven’s Bright with Mystery, VU 93 v.4

Quotations to Ponder

God doesn’t call the qualified. God qualifies the called. ~unknown

If God gives you something you can do, why in God’s name wouldn’t you do it? ~Stephen King

It sounds like life is calling you to do something BIG and you haven’t picked up the phone.

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Mead

For More About What’s On Visit:

From the United Church Website:

Protect Vulnerable Communities Affected by Canadian Mining: As people of faith, we are called to protect the dignity of human life and the sacredness of creation. Help lift up the voices of vulnerable communities affected by Canadian mining companies overseas.

With projects in over 100 countries, Canada is home to half of the world’s mining companies. Canadian companies can be viewed as representatives of Canada abroad; however, United Church partners in the global South report human rights abuses, environmental damage, and violations of basic labour rights. Affected communities advocate for stronger laws in their own countries, but enforcement is often weak and violations occur with impunity.”

Support Rights and Protections for Transgender Canadians: “God has brought forth human beings who are male, female, and sometimes dramatically or subtly a complex mix of male and female in their bodies. Trans people are ministers and leaders in the United Church. They are members of our families, our loved ones, our friends, colleagues, and neighbours, and they deserve to have their identities protected by the law.”

Why Become an Affirming Ministry? “…Affirming Ministries acknowledge that God’s love is wider and more inclusive than they can imagine, let alone live out, and they commit themselves to sharing that news with others who may have heard a

quite different message about what it means to be church. Because voices of condemnation, exclusion, and hatred are loud and persistent within the church and in society, Affirming Ministries make a public

statement about who they are and what they believe. They understand that while it may be risky and challenging to “come out” as an Affirming Ministry, it is often far less dangerous than it is for LGBT people themselves. Affirming Ministries believe it is important to be a public witness and to be a role model for other ministries…”

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