Upcoming Dates to Remember
July-August Summer Services at SUC 10am (SUC choir on summer pause) (Upper Sackville United closed for summer pause) (Centering Prayer group on summer pause) (No Sunday School, activities/toys available for children) July 17 Food Bank Sunday
ANNOUNCEMENTS for July 10, 2016 8th Sunday after Pentecost
We welcome Sara Jewell, lay worship leader and author, and thank her once again for sharing her gifts of word and leadership with us today and throughout the summer.
“LIGHTS OUT”: A friendly reminder to anyone who is using the church to please double check that all the lights have been turned off before leaving the building – it’s better for the earth and our budget!
FOOD BANK SUNDAY: Next Sunday (July 17) is Food Bank Sunday for the month. We are asked to bring our offerings of non-perishable food items to help address the immediate needs of our neighbours and friends, even as we continue to address the larger, underlying issues surrounding long-term food insecurity. Of particular need this month are: Instant coffee, Jam, Peanut Butter (or Wow Butter), Cheese Whiz, Canned Fruit, Detergent, Cookies, Kraft Dinner, Snack Crackers, Spaghetti Sauce
►SACKVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE WEBSITE: Please visit our website: www.sackvillepastoralcharge.com When you’re there, if you click the “follow” button on the home page, you will receive new information by email each time there’s a new post.
SUMMER PULPIT SUPPLY AND PASTORAL CARE: The following is the schedule for pulpit supply:
July 3rd-17th, Aug. 7th-21st & Sept 4th Sara Jewell – Lay Worship Leader July 24th – Gary MacDonald July 31st – Rev Eric Tusz-King Aug. 28th – Jennie Del Motte
For any pastoral care needs in August please contact Rev Jean Ward – 902-694-4372. Her number will be available at the church office, on our answering machine and at the local funeral homes. For the month July while Rev Ward is on vacation Rev Janice MacLean will be available for emergency pastoral care. Please contact her in the month of July if needed at 506-536-4180.
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”