Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group ON PAUSE Wednesdays Coffee with Open Sky ON PAUSE Thursdays Parents & Tots ON PAUSE 1st Thursday Project Linus ON PAUSE July 2-Sept 3 Summer Services at SUC 10am July 9&23, Aug 13&27 Beer and Hymns 7pm Aug 6 Pancakes and Prayers to Go 9:30-11am

Raise your voice (and your glass!)
ANNOUNCEMENTS for July 23, 2017- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
BEER AND HYMNS: TONIGHT! Ducky’s Pub from 7-8pm on Sunday evenings: July 23, August 13 & 27. Come out and raise your voices (and glasses!).
THE GO PROJECT AT SUC: SUC is hosting an exciting adventure day camp this August 7-11 for children grades 2-7. Visit the webpage or contact the office for more information! We are looking for a number of adult and youth volunteers.
DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY: Please join your Open Sky friends, along with Dr. Barbra Clayton of Mount Allison University, Religious Studies Department, on Friday afternoons 2-4pm during the summer, as we explore together what Happiness really means. This workshop series is a part of her SSHRC Research Project on Gross National Happiness – the measurement of wellbeing from Bhutan. Workshops will be interactive, fun and inspiring. More information on the Open Sky Facebook Page.
REMIT RESULTS: The Results of UCC Remits 1-4 are now available. The link to detailed results is up on the webpage.
JUST!US COFFEE UPDATE: Just!Us has an important update about a temporary change in suppliers and how it reminds us that each cup of coffee and bar of chocolate is doing important justice work. Read more on the webpage.
GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV. LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd? He can be reached at spcminister@nb.aibn.com or by calling (506) 940-1151.
PRAYER REQUESTS: for yourself or a person or situation concerning you may be given to our Prayer Circle by calling Mora at 536-4109, or email morabullydog@yahoo.ca. Details surrounding a request may be provided but are not necessary. All requests are received with respect and kept in confidence.
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Music music this morning is all mid-20th c. folksong
All My Life’s a Circle (Harry Chapin) Where Have All The Flowers Gone (Peter Seeger & Joe Hickerson) The Times, They Are A-Changin’ (Bob Dylan) Offertory Response: If I Had a Hammer (Seeger) Prayer Response: Blowing in the Wind (Bob Dylan) Special Music: There But For Fortune (Joan Baez)
SPC Summer Music Series
This summer, we’re doing something new and exciting at SPC! Each Sunday morning worship this summer will feature a specific musical theme/genre, with a mix of popular hymns and familiar favourites we don’t always get to sing in church! Join us for these joyful Sundays that will have you swaying in your seat!
TODAY: Folk July 30: Rock ‘n’ Roll Aug 6: Special Sappyfest “Pancakes and Prayers to Go” Aug 13/20: Pulpit Supply (Sara Jewell/Gary MacDonald) Aug 27: The Beatles Sept 3: Canadian Songwriters Part II