Thank you for your contribution to the ongoing life and work of our church as we continue to provide a ministry of love, support, and acceptance in these unprecedented times. Here are several ways to make your offering online.
Donating by Etransfer
To make a donation via e-transfer you may do so by sending your donation to through your banking software. No password is necessary, and your donation will be received automatically. In the message box please indicate any breakdown between Local Givings and Mission & Service. No special characters are permitted – for example: 75 local and 25 ms.
Changing Your Givings Through PAR
If you contribute regularly by PAR and wish to increase your monthly PAR donation you may simply call Jennie at the church office (506-536-0498) and give her your directions.
Signing Up for PAR
If you would like to begin contributing through PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance, which is a monthly automatic donation), please contact the office by email or phone (506-536-0498) and we will see that you get a copy of the necessary form and process it on your behalf.