We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email (suc@nb.aibn.com). We are here for you and for each other!
Sunday Worship: Don't forget to turn your clocks forward an hour this Sunday! Our Sunday services are at 11am both in-person or online via our SUC Facebook Page. In accordance with NB government regulations, vaccination status will no longer be checked during in-person church activities, although mask-wearing and accommodation for those who wish to remain distanced will continue until otherwise stated. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church websitefollowing the end of the livestream as we continue to struggle to broadcast the service live via our website.
Lent Resources: Daily/weekly resources for a lenten season that is "Full to the Brim" (courtesy of Sanctified Art) are available here on the church webpage. The password for this, and other protected resources, has been emailed to the SUC mailing list. Please contact the church office if you have not received the password (emailed in the March 13 mailout) and would like to access these resources.
PIE DAY: Join us this Sunday March 13 following 11am worship for our annual PIE Day pie (and other exciting treats and gift certificates) auction! If you are not able to join us in person, please use this link to join us via zoom for a celebration of being Public, Intentional, and Explicit in our affirmation of LGBTQA2S+ persons - it will be a delicious time!
Tatamagouche Centre FREE Online Programs: The Tatamagouche Centre is offering a number of free workshops over the month of March including "Weaving the Threads of Healing and Radical Hospitality", "Community Conversations", and "Decolonizing Alphabet: an online reading and sharing event". Anyone wishing to have more information about these programs, including links for registration, is invited to contact the church office.
CMHA Upcoming Programs in the Maritimes: Visit here to learn more about upcoming workshops and programs being offered by the Canadian Mental Health Organisation including "Maintaining Wellness on the Job", "8 Strategies for Stress and Emotions", and "Challenging Loneliness and Isolation".
Making a Difference for Women and Girls: THANK YOU …thank you to all who supported Sackville United’s project to celebrate International Women’s Day. Many items were donated, for example, deodorants, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. They were shared with Autumn House, Amherst, Ensemble Moncton, Sackville Food Bank, the Pantry at Tantramar High, Open Sky, and Mount Allison. WE CARE notes were in the boxes. International Women’s Day is March 8th. It is a day to celebrate women’s accomplishments. It is also a day to reflect upon attitudes which hinder girls and women from becoming all they are meant to be. Your generosity is just one way to show WE CARE.
…..Catherine Gaw, Elsie MacDonald, Anne Pirie
Ensemble Moncton Used Cellphone Project: UNB Moncton 2022 Nursing cohort participants are working with us on a community outreach project to collect cell phones for vulnerable populations in the Greater Moncton area. We hope to provide cell phones to people who are experiencing homelessness and individuals with mental health & substance use disorders. Having a cell phone will help them stay safer, access social & health services and connect with family & friends. Drop off your used, working cell phones at Sackville United Church by March 31st. Data will be wiped and phones disinfected before redistribution. Sackville United Church is located at 110 Main Street, Sackville. Office Hours: The office will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4:30pm. In keeping with Covid Best Practices for Safety, if Jennie experiences any symptoms she will work from home. In case of any changes to regular office hours, a notice will be posted on the church FB page and, when possible, on the front doors as well. SUC Executive Minutes Online: For anyone wishing to keep "in the know" about the topics and motions being discussed by our Sackville United Church executive, PDFs of minutes from previous meetings are available on the church website. The area is password protected; the password will be sent by email to the SUC mailing list. Please contact the church office if you would like to view the minutes and do not have the password. The minutes for the February 2022 meeting will be up shortly.
Sunday Seekers Book Circle: The seekers book circle is always reading something that sparks thought and conversation! If you are interested in becoming part of this online group that meets (typically on Sundays before 11am worship) to read and discuss books and creative expressions of faith, please contact Catherine Gaw at chgaw@eastlink.ca New from Broadview: Check out some of the latest articles available through Broadview online. Annual print subscriptions are only $25/year and are renewed in November through the church office.
Gifts with Vision 2021-22 - an excellent source of gifts and giving for the whole year!: Although a new year has started, the needs of our wider community (both near and far) are still very present. For the person who has "everything", why not consider a donation (birthday, Valentine's Day, Easter) Read more about the program and visit the gifts with vision website here. A limited number of print copies are available in the church office.
What's Coming Up
Regular Sunday worship at 11am Sundays both in-person or online via the church FB page followed by zoom conversation and fellowship (click on the red button at the top of the page for this and other zoom links)
PIE DAY coming up THIS Sunday, March 13
Tax receipts have been emailed and/or mailed - if you have not received your tax receipt by early next week please contact the church office and we will resend them
Please send any corrections/typos found in the annual report to the church office
Watch recordings of previous services: Feb 13 Service Feb 20 Service (prerecorded by Rev. Lloyd and Jennie) Feb 27 Service (featuring the talented Chris Meaney providing music)
March 6 Service (sound issues for the first 15 minutes)