Upcoming Dates
Mondays Centering Prayer Group 9:30am
Wednesdays Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky 10-11am
Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am
1st Thursday Project Linus at Main St Baptist 1pm
March 19 SPC Meeting Re: Search Committee 12:30pm
March 20 UCW 2pm
March 25 Earth Hour “Shut Off the Power” Event 7pm
March 26 Memory Café at SUC 2-4pm
April 10-12 Morning Holy Week Services 9am
April 13 Maundy Thursday Service at SUC 6:30pm
April 14 Good Friday Service TBA
April 16 Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service at SUC 7am
Upper Sackville (communion) 9am
Sackville United (comm/drama) 11am
April 23 UCW Service 9am/11am
May TBA Music Afternoon at Upper Sackville 2pm
May TBA Yard/Bake Sale at Upper Sackville 8-11am
ANNOUNCEMENTS for March 19, 2017- LENT III
PASTORAL CHARGE MEETING: TODAY, Sunday March 19 we will have a meeting of the pastoral charge to receive the recommendation of the joint search committee. The meeting will begin at 12:30pm, and it is essential to have a good number of members from both churches attending in order to be able to accept the results of a vote.
FOOD BANK SUNDAY: Today is food bank Sunday for the Pastoral Charge. We are asked to bring our offerings of non-perishable food items or consider a monetary contribution to the food bank to help meet the immediate needs of our neighbours and friends, even as we continue to address the underlying injustices that lead to long-term food insecurity.
LENTEN STUDY OPPORTUNITY UP ON SUC DISCERNMENT BOARD: An opportunity to join in the conversation on a subject that is important to us all: LIFE, DEATH, & AFTER: “A good death begins with living in the present,” says the Rev. Dr. Linda Yates, author of For The Death of Me: Accepting Death, Choosing Life.” Facing death can be difficult, and begins with living a meaningful life. In this resource for small groups or for individual spiritual study, we also explore issues of Medically Assisted Death and Euthanasia. What do you think about life after death? We learn how our worldview affects what we believe about life after death. LIFE, DEATH, & AFTER is a program from The Prayer Bench ministry, and offers three guided sessions. We will listen to an audio presentation together with a printed script provided in advance. Conversation and discussion will help us explore what we think and feel and believe.
HOLY WEEK MORNING REFLECTION/PRAYER SERVICES: A brief time of prayer, scripture, reflections and music will be held on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week at 9am in the sanctuary. Led by Bruce Moore and Jennie Del Motte, these moments of contemplation aim to deepen our connection to this life-changing week in our church year.
EARTH HOUR EVENT: An invitation is extended to participate in our annual Earth Hour celebration, scheduled for 7:30 pm on Saturday, March 25th, here at the church. Participants of all ages are invited to enjoy light refreshments, to socialize with others, and to join in playing their favourite board games. At 8:30 the lights go out, and candles are the only luminaries for the next hour, as a symbol of our commitment to the planet. All ages are welcome to join us for this one-of-a-kind relaxing evening and to bring along a special game to share with others. For more information, call Diane at (506)536-3749.
MEMORY CAFÉ ON MARCH 26: “The Sackville Committee of the Alzheimer Society will be hosting a second MEMORY CAFE on Sunday, March 26, from 2:00-4:00 P.M. at Sackville United. There will be a brief presentation on a topic of interest, musical entertainment, snacks and an opportunity for folks to ask questions and chat about coping with memory problems.”
Would Someone You Know Appreciate a Pastoral Care Visit?: Pastoral care for SPC is generously being provided by Rev. Jean Ward. For any pastoral care needs, or if you know someone who might appreciate a visit, please contact Rev. Ward directly – 902-694-4372 or a.jean.ward@gmail.com
UCW COLLECTING SMALL ITEMS TO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE: UCW continues to save the following items: Independent Grocery Tapes, pop tabs, plastic bread tabs, used postage stamps (1/4″ border), Campbell’s Soup Labels, the front cover of used Greeting Cards. All items can be left in the basket which is on the book shelf as you come in the main entrance of the church.
UPCOMING BOOK PRESENTATION: Canadian author Brian Arthur Brown grew up in the Maritimes and worked summers in both Sackville and Amherst during university years. He invites us to an event in the evening March 26, 7-9pm at Trinity-St. Stevens United Church. With faculty, students and alumnae from Mt. A and UPEI, Brian will introduce two National Geographic style books on interfaith relations in communities like ours. Everyone who attends also receives a free copy of TRUE NORTH, STRONG AND FREE, written for Canada’s 150 birthday about the place of religion in our changing country. All are welcome.
CENTERING PRAYER: Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.
John 4: 5-42
Hymns (SUC):
I Have Called You By Your Name, MV 161 Teach me, God, to Wonder, VU 299 Living Water, MV 87 River, MV 3 Offertory Response: Fresh as the Morning, MV 28, v.4 & chorus
Hymns (UPPER):
This is God’s Wondrous World, VU 296 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, VU 684 I Have Called You By Your Name, MV 161 Spirit of Gentleness, VU 375 Offertory Response: Fresh as the Morning, MV 28, v.4 & chorus
Quotations to Ponder
When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water. ~ Benjamin Franklin
When you drink the water, remember the spring. ~ Chinese proverb
Like water be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world. ~ Brenda Peterson
If you dam a river, it stagnates. Running water is beautiful water. ~ English proverb