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May 14 Announcements

We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-536-0498) or email ( and a member of our Pastoral Care Team will be in touch ASAP. We are here for you and for each other!

Sunday Worship: Our Regular Sunday Worship is held at 11am both in-person at Sackville United and online via our SUC Facebook Page. Mask-wearing and accommodation for those who wish to remain distanced will continue until otherwise stated. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church website in the days immediately following the service.

Spring/Summer Worship at SUC: From May-July, we welcome a variety of guest worship leaders who will share in our Sunday time together. As Rev. Lloyd enjoys his well-earned sabbatical and vacation, we will share together with the following worship leaders:

May 7, 11am: Ellie Hummel

THIS SUNDAY May 14, 11am: Todd Nelson

May 21, 11am: Jennie Del Motte

May 28, 11am: Todd Nelson

June 4, 11am: Bruce Moore

June 11, 11am: Heather McClure

June 18, 11am: Laura Hunter

June 25, 11am: Todd Nelson

July 2, 10am: Bruce Moore

July 9, 10am: Laura Hunter

July 16, 10am: Todd Nelson

July 23, 10am: Catherine Smith

July 30, 10am: Todd Nelson

Scripture/Announcement Readers Needed for Spring Services: Would you be interested in reading on Sunday Morning? You may sign up on the list on the Circles of Service Board or by calling the Church office. On Thursday afternoon the Church Office will communicate with you and provide you with the specific text(s) you will be asked to read, including the possibility of a selection of modern wisdom in the form of a quote from a current text. A sign-up sheet for scripture/announcement readers for Spring/Summer is on the Circle of Service Board just inside the sanctuary. Scripture readers are still needed for the following Sundays: next Sunday May 21, and June 18 onward.

Worship at the Drew: ETA: Many thanks to Glenda Thornton for volunteering to lead worship in June and July at the Drew - we are grateful for her offer to share in this part of our ministry! Services are at 3pm in the afternoon, and are approximately 30 minutes long, filled with prayer, scripture, and music.

All are welcome to join us, health regulations permitting, for in-person worship at the Drew. Coming up next on Sunday, June 4 with worship leader Glenda Thornton and music by Jennie.

Pastoral Care May-July: For pastoral emergencies between May-July, please contact the church office by phone or email with your contact information and any details you wish to share. A member of the Pastoral Care team and/or Pastoral Care Clergy will be in touch with you ASAP.

Church Office Hours: The office will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4:30pm In case of any changes to regular office hours due to illness or other circumstances, a notice will be posted on the church FB page and, when possible, on the front doors as well. Summer office hours will begin the week of June 26 - during the summer, the office will be open Thursdays from 12-3pm only.

Seniors Fellowship Lunches: This group now meets the THIRD Tuesday of each month at noon. Bring your own bag lunch and enjoy fellowship, conversation, and good food together! All seniors welcome - meeting NEXT Tuesday, May 16!

Youth at Regional Gathering (formerly Youth@Conference and Intermediates@Conference): Please let the church office know ASAP if you would like to register for this opportunity. "Y@R is a place of community and a place of faith where United Church youth, between grade 6 and 12, meet from across New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and the Gaspe. It takes place during the Annual Meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council (FSLDW), May 26-28, 2023." Follow this link for more information or to register. Funding is available for youth grades 6-12 who are interested in attending from our congregation. If you have any questions, please email Catherine Stuart, Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults at

Two 20-sided dice, one dark grey, the other lime green, with white numbers.
Games Night at SUC!

Games Night at SUC: On the second Tuesday and third Thursday of the month from 6-8pm, a small group are gathering at SUC to play RPG (role play) and other games. If you are interested in joining this group, please speak with Christy Watts.

Parents and Tots: Parents and Tots meets Thursday Mornings from 9:30am to 11:00am at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. There is no charge, and volunteers are present to assist with childcare. Bring your young ones for a time of community, play and fellowship (and a chance to chat with other grownups!).

Coming Up at Tatamagouche: from silent retreats to game design to Breaking the Silence, there's lots coming up at the Tatamagouche Centre this spring. Visit here for more information.

Coming up from NB Mental Health: Contact Denise Miller at for information about these, and other programs.

- May 29 - June 1: Changing Minds (Community Education on Mental Health and Wellness), online 1:30-4:30pm

- First/Third Tuesday each month: Anxiety & Depression Support Group, Moncton Public Library 5-6pm

Cell Phones Needed for Ensemble Moncton: Are you upgrading to a newer model and have a spare phone sitting in a drawer somewhere? Ensemble Moncton provides cellphones to their clients to connect them to services and the community. The clients work closely with the Wellness Navigator at Ensemble to access services in health, justice and social sectors. Funding is very hard to access for cellphone provision because of the harmful assumptions placed on individuals dealing with addictions and substance use. Drop off phones at ENSEMBLE, 80 Weldon Street, Moncton, daily between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. Phone (506)859-9616 and ask for Ashley if more information is required. Any cell phones (and chargers!) dropped off at the church office will be brought to Moncton by Jennie or Rev. Lloyd.

Thank you to those who have donated cell phones so far. Ensemble will ensure that all data/information is wiped from phones donated before they are distributed.

Prayer Bench Group Subscription: We have purchased a group subscription to Rev. Janice MacLean's "Prayer Bench" for the year, including a number of individual email "retreats" and series. If you are interested in receiving these resources please contact the church office.

What's New at Broadview: The United Church magazine has a variety of topical articles on subjects that reflect many of the interests and initiatives of our congregation. Please contact the church office to renew your subscription if you have not already and/or to sign up through our discounted group subscription rate of only $25/year. New subscriptions can be added at anytime of year!

What's Coming Up

  • Worship at the Drew first Sunday of the month (Next on Sunday, June 4)

  • Summer Worship in July & August at 10am (beginning Sunday, July 2)

  • Spring 2023 Choir Practices at 5pm on Tuesday evenings - final choir Sunday will be June 18 before summer pause

  • AA meets 12-1pm Saturdays in the sanctuary

Watch recordings of previous services:

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