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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musing on a To Do List… January 27th 2020

A Happy Mild Monday in January to you!

It was a delight to see so many people out on Sunday morning as both our 9AM and 11AM gatherings. Coming together in community to share and laugh, sing and ponder, pray and sing some more is so very life giving!

This Sunday, the fourth Sunday in the season of Epiphany will see us reflect together on two widely known scripture passages: Micah 6:1-8 and Matthew 5:1-12. The latter part of Micah 6:8 includes these familiar words “what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” and Matthew 5:3 begins with “Blessed are…”

What does God require of us in the coming year? How might we best do justice and love kindness over the next 12 months?

Annual Meetings are just around the corner and while these meetings are an important opportunity to look back at what has been accomplished and to review financial statements they are even more importantly an opportunity for us to set goals for the year before us – to publicly commit to how we will seek to live out our Christian life in community over the coming year – otherwise we simply meander along without focus or purpose.

Would you like to be part of a small group that would work to bring forth some mission/ministry project ideas to the annual meeting? We’ll meet two or three times at the most for the sole purpose of generating ideas. Email me at

And don’t forget, I also need your ‘big questions’ for a Lenten sermon series. You can email me those too.

Faithfully, Lloyd

Looking Ahead

Today I am in the office for the bulk of the day – stepping out on a couple of occasions to go to the hospital and special care home. I look forward to connecting with the Queer Room participants at 3:30PM.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) I’ll be working on the liturgy for Sunday from home.

On Wednesday I will be in the office in the morning and then to Moncton for a meeting followed by visits at the hospital after which I’ll be back in Sackville for the meeting of the Sackville Pastoral Charge Council at 6:30PM.

Thursday will see me at home for the day working on a reflection for Sunday.

Friday and Saturday will be days off and on Sunday I look forward to being with you at 9AM at Upper Sackville United and 11AM at Sackville United. And don’t forget that this Sunday (1st Sunday of each month) Jennie and I lead worship at the Drew Nursing Home at 3PM. Residents really do appreciate this time of worship and community and the presence of others from their wider Church community!

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