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Musing: On Barking with Anticipation..

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

Musings on Monday in a quest for understanding and the creation of a better world… such was the tagline I created when I first started these weekly Musings – and it still fits – these words, these loosely joined thoughts and sometimes disjointed ramblings are probably more for me. They are my attempt on a weekly basis to delve into my own experience and discern meaning, and in doing so, hopefully be moved to deeper understanding and engagement.

This morning as I was just sitting down to write, I could hear Rasta behind me, out at the door stand and begin dancing in excitement. Then came the bark – the bark reserved for Geoffrey. It’s a sharp bark of excitement and longing. Rasta knows what to expect when Geoffrey comes round. Nine times out of ten when Geoffrey comes to the door of the Church Rasta is going for a walk – a long walk – a walk where is much to sniff and many trees to mark.

Now, I am very aware that our lives are more complicated than that of the standard poodle who is my constant companion, but his behaviour led me to ask, “What is it that gets us excited and filled with anticipation? And, are we doing enough of those things?”

And of course, I am then reminded that we continue to live amid a pandemic (or endemic depending on who you listen to) and as a result, many of us are still living with reserve and caution – and rightly so.

On Saturday morning, in the before times, I would quickly head off to the market to get the above-mentioned Rasta some bones and mingle – and the mingling was as important as the bones (at least for me). Not so much these days. When I go, I go early and get the bones and head home. On Saturday evenings, in the before times, it would have been quite likely to for me to venture out to Ducky’s to hear music and share a glass of beer in a crowded indoor venue – now – not so much – it was easier to tap on “Next Episode” and become even more lost in the world of the Peaky Blinders.

I am certain that all of us are continuing navigate an unfamiliar and still changing landscape - I know I am… and as I navigate it is helpful for me to listen for Rasta’s bark and ask myself, “what fills me with anticipation… and how might I engage in such activities and events as safely as possible?”



Looking Ahead

Today I am in the office responding to weekend emails and doing some advance planning this morning before heading the Drew Nursing Home around noon for a few visits. Those visits will be followed by another pastoral visit at 3PM.

Tuesday morning will be devoted to reading and at 10:30AM I will gather with the Lectionary Study Group. In the afternoon I have a meeting and a pastoral visit.

On Wednesday morning I look forward to welcoming the Seniors Sharing the Table participants at 10:30AM – coffee, tea and treats! The Steering Committee will meet briefly following the gathering. After lunch I am out of the office on two scheduled pastoral calls.

On Thursday, barring any changes to the above plans, I expect to be working from home on the liturgy and reflection for Sunday. On Thursday evening at 6:30PM the SUC Executive meets for its monthly business meeting. Watch for an update from the Executive on Sunday morning when we gather.

Friday and Saturday will be days off and on Sunday we will gather in community to celebrate the sacrament of baptism as we welcome Lita Mai Vivarais into the family of faith. Lita is the daughter of Jansene Vivarais. Jansene and Lita live in Midgic with their extended family. Come and join in the celebration as we extend the welcome of love. And remember, on Sunday October 30th we will join with the SUC United Church Women (UCW) to celebrate their legacy of faithfulness as they cease as a unit. Thank you to Margaret Anderson for supplying a number of photos from her collections and if others have any to add to the visual display hey would be most welcome.

Looking Further Ahead – somewhat in keeping the the theme of my Musings above, members of the Executive will be taking part in an online panel discussion “From Pandemic to Endemic: impact on theology, church, and spiritual health” being hosted by the Christian Council of the Capital Area. One of the panel members is John Perkin. You can take part too by following this link.

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