I am writing this at the end of a busy Monday… at noon I lifted my head from the
computer screen and wondered, “Where did the morning go? By 4PM as I finished visits at both the Sackville and Moncton hospital, I thought, ‘Ok, I’m done…’ but then I stopped to help a friend with a small software problem. It was going to be simple: install Microsoft Home and Student on her new laptop. It is a lovely computer but it has one glaring problem – its not a Apple product…
What should have been a simple procedure had me walking away from the desk after an hour so I could get home in time for supper.
Truth be told, it wasn’t the fault of the computer – it was mine, all mine. I’ve become so rooted in one platform that everything is unfamiliar and strange. And so I’d look in this menu or that folder searching for the information I need – and come up empty.
The events of the past week, protests about racism and police violence toward black people has many of us looking again at how rooted we are in the ‘operating system’ of white privilege and power.
Racism is a system. It is systemic and we function within it so well that we don’t even notice it is there… but it is… and our sisters and brothers of colour are asking us to consider a different way.
Make the leap. Engage in that difficult conversation. Dare to question why things are the way they are and listen to the experiences of your neighbours of colour. Yes, its gonna feel like you walked into a totally different operating system… and maybe its about time we did…
Looking Ahead
Well, you already know from what I shared above, what today was like… so I’ll jump to Tuesday… its going to be a much needed long awaited, full day off doing something not related to work – at all… and I will be out of cellphone range for pretty much the whole day.
Wednesday I am in the office again Zooming my way through three meetings and Thursday will look much the same though I’m hoping to do a couple of pastoral calls to people in their driveways.
Friday and Saturday are scheduled as days off – but I’ve yet to have two days off in a row in more than three months and I’m not optimistic for this weekend either, given some of the situations I am aware of in the community. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement as I seek to respond to some of these situations on your behalf.
One thing I am looking forward to on Saturday is another puppy run. I’ll be bringing two puppies from a Nova Scotia breeder to their owners in Sackville and in Sackville I will pick up two puppies from a New Brunswick breeder and bring them to their new owners in Nova Scotia. Watch for pictures on Monday!!
On Sunday morning I will be doing the technology, working with Chris Meaney as we continue to refine the sound for our livestream. Jennie and Edward will be bringing some special music and Carolyn will be leading the liturgy and offering the reflection.
Looking Even Further Ahead
On June 21st we will be welcoming a new member by transfer. If you are new to our community and would like to be welcoming into our community of faith as a member please email me and we’ll work out the details.
On June 28th we will be marking the end of our formal sponsorship of Rose – yes, it is a year since she arrived. Watch for video reflections from Rose and members of the welcoming team. As we can’t share cake at Church, please bake a cake and celebrate this ending and beginning at home. Also, as this will be our last ‘Live’ service until the fall we will celebrate communion. Plan to have some bread (or cake) and juice so that you may take part with others.