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Musings, June 11th 2018

Good Monday Evening!

Pride Flag Waved

It’s been a day full of meetings, pastoral calls, hospital visits and a little bit of paperwork in preparation for meetings in Toronto that begin tomorrow.

I leave tomorrow morning for meetings at the General Council Office with the other Chairs of Conference Internship and Educational Supervision Committees.  Together we will match Candidates who are preparing for ministry with Pastoral Charges that have offered themselves as Supervised Ministry Education Sites.  It is a privilege to work with colleagues from across the country and have a hand in this important work.  I never fail to be amazed by the diversity of sites and Candidates and the gifts for ministry that each bring to the table!

Some of you may be thinking ‘he’s gone again…’ and yes, sometimes even I struggle with the amount of time and energy that I commit to the larger church… but, therein lies the issue: the larger Church.  I was ordained to, and we are all part of, a Church that is larger than Upper Sackville or Sackville United Churches.  I am grateful that you understand this and support me in this work.  I do make every effort to ensure that the majority of my time is devoted to our communities of faith and sometimes this means that I am working on what would have been scheduled days off.

Please hold the group of us in prayer this week – that the work we do will contribute to the development of future ministry personnel for the Church and that the Church might be well served by the ministry of those Candidates we match.



Looking Ahead

Today following the Grounding Meeting with the Sackville United Church Executives, I meet with the Social Justice Liaison Steering Committee.  We are well on the way to getting this project off the ground and we expect to post the position by the middle of August.

As above, from Tuesday to Thursday I am in Toronto at the Annual Matching Meeting with the other Chairs of Conference Internship and Educational Supervision Committees. Returning home late on Thursday night I expect that Friday will be spent catching up on a number of things and gathering supplies for Saturday!

On Saturday from 10AM to 12PM we’ll be decorating the Sackville United Church float for the Amherst/Cumberland Pride Parade. If you are able to help out please email me so we know you are coming and can prepare enough food for lunch! I will send you directions to the house.  At 1PM we will gather at the marshalling point, behind Victoria Square.  Any and all are welcome to participate in the parade.  There will be limited room on the float but any number of folk can walk along with us!!  Hope to see you there!!

On Sunday, at both gatherings, in recognition of National Aboriginal Day (June 21) we will join in an Indigenous Day of Prayer as we reflect on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples alongside of the gospel for the day: Mark 4:26-34

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