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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, June 18 2018: Wonder at the Diversity of Humanity

On this Monday when I am still vibrating from the joy of Saturday’s Pride Parade and the fun of driving that bright orange tractor adorned with the Pride and Transgender flags pulling folk of the congregation along the streets of Amherst… and preparing for the Wonder Café Conversation about intimate partner violence with Dawn Ferris of Autumn House, I keep coming back to these words:

We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity. ~George Takei

To live our lives in a state of inclusion is to scrunch a little closer around the table and

say to each new arrival, ‘pull up a chair’. It is to offer a hand of welcome and a word of greeting as your pass the loaf and cup…

I will remember for a long time to come the communion we shared as we draped the float with rainbows and afterwards gathered around our kitchen table and shared hot-dogs and hamburgers and then, at the end of the parade, broke the crusty loaf that that had ridden with us on the table and said to one another, ‘The food of God for the people of God…”  And yes, I’ll remember the laughter as we all wished there’d been a sip of wine left in that bottle Diane had placed alongside the loaf!


And with those recollections will come the other memories, a vision of the diversity of folk who lined the parade route decked out in a riot of colour, families of all shapes and sizes, and single people too, an African Canadian woman dancing and singing on the corner by the Needs store… and I will “wonder at the diversity of humanity” and give thanks!


Looking Ahead

Today I was in Moncton to the hospital for pastoral visits followed by a Pastoral Relations Committee meeting. Tomorrow I am in the office most of the day in meetings of one sort or another. On Tuesday evening I will be taking part in a webinar in preparation for my involvement with the 43rd General Council in July.

Wednesday will see me taking a ‘mental health day’ if the weather cooperates… Chris Forestall and I are riding to Baie Verte on our bicycles to have lunch… and then riding back… we hope!  Miranda keep your phone close…

Thursday will see me in the office in the morning and doing a couple of pastoral visits in the afternoon and on Friday I’ll be in Saint John working with some folk in the midst of a conflicted situation on behalf of Maritime Conference.

Saturday will be a day off and then on Sunday at 9am we’ll welcome Bob Adshade and Marvin Murray to Upper Sackville for a service of music and sharing and at Sackville at 11am we will welcome Dawn Ferris of Autumn House who will share in a Wonder Café Conversation with us about intimate partner violence.

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