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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, March 4th 2019: Another Snowy Monday!

… and I have cancelled and/or rescheduled the 5 meetings booked for today and am working from home! It is my hope that this note finds you safely ensconced in warmth and the company of those you love.

In truth, for me, working from home today is a gift of space and time before the fullness and busyness of the Lenten season – a time to pause and remind myself to pause regularly over the next six weeks – even as I endeavour to provide meaningful opportunities for reflection and engagement for the community. Please consider the opportunities below and ponder what it is your spirit needs as you embark on the Lenten journey this year.

Ash Wednesday Service, Wednesday March 6th at 1PM. This will be a brief service that invites us to come back to earth and to wonder at the gift of life.

Wednesday March 6th @ 6PM, our first in the Lenten Discussion Series: Called to Community. We will gather each Wednesday at 6PM, beginning with a crock-pot supper followed by discussions about the purpose of the Church using film resources from The Work of the People. Come to one or come to all.

A painting gifted to me by Mia of a scene that ‘feeds me’ each summer!

Sunday March 10th is the first Sunday of Lent (and Daylight Saving Time starts so spring your clocks ahead). Come experience the transition of the sanctuaries from the green of ‘ordinary time’ to reflective purple. Communion will be shared at both gatherings. The 11AM gathering at Sackville United Church will be an intergenerational liturgy with opportunity to be creative as we reflect on those things the we ‘live by’, those things that feed us and nurture us. Canvases and paints will be provided and we hope to use the paintings to create mosaic in the entryway!

On Monday March 11th @ 9AM our second Lenten Discussion Series will begin: Interfaith: Being Love in the World. Prepared by the Prayer Bench this series will offer an opportunity for participants to reflect on the connections between various faith traditions and explore their common purpose.

Finally, whatever you do, don’t give up pie for Lent – because on International Pie Day, March 14th (3.14) we will be marking the occasion with our own Pie Day and reflecting on our public, intentional and explicit welcome. If you wish to donate a pie you can drop it off Thursday afternoon, otherwise come between 6PM and 7:30PM and have a slice a pie ($5 per slice) and a cup of coffee or tea and support the Sackville Refugee Response Coalition and the Queer Room. A live auction of some special pies will take place at 6:45PM.

Faithfully, Lloyd

Looking Ahead…

Today I am working from home on Lenten services and events while I watch the snow cover the ground. On Tuesday I’ll be to the hospital in the morning followed by meetings in the afternoon and the Stephen Lewis lecture in the evening. Wednesday at 1PM I’ll be leading an Ash Wednesday service followed by the first Lenten Discussion Series gathering at 6PM. Corn Chowder and fresh bread is on the menu. I’ll spend Thursday in the office finalizing the reflection for Sunday and Friday and Saturday will be days off before we begin our Lenten Journey: 9AM at Upper Sackville United and 11AM at Sackville United.

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