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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, May 28th 2019: The ‘Spinning Wheel’ is Still Processing

My apologies for being late with my Monday Musings… I had every intention of writing once I got home from dinner with the UCW, but by the time I was getting my supper Stella was looking for her pajamas and Ruth was taking her bedtime pill…! No, it wasn’t a sleepover – it was supper at the Marshlands. The food once it came was tasty – but it was unfortunately a long wait. That being said, there were lots of stories and laughter shared over the table and it was a fun evening! Thanks for inviting me to join you!

I am still processing my thoughts in respect to the Regional Gathering that replaced the Annual Meeting of Maritime Conference. Much has changed in the church in the last year and I am still struggling to take it all in. I was deeply engaged and challenged by the theme presentations offered by Michael Dowd and look forward to exploring his offerings in greater detail when our copy of Living the Questions: ProFuture Faith: The Prodigal Species Comes Home arrives.

I was absent on Saturday afternoon – for good reasons I believe. I learned months ago that a man I’d had significant interactions with at Springhill would be in PEI with his girlfriend for the weekend. I’d received an invitation to their August wedding in Manitoba, and knowing I could not get to the wedding, I felt this was the best opportunity I would have to see them both. Peg (my friend and former colleague) met me in Sackville and we headed for the bridge. What followed was a lovely evening – filled with laughter, tears and joys that come with life in all its hardships and celebrations. It was so deeply moving to see this couple still together having engaged in such deep and meaningful individual and inter-relational work. I was humbled to hear of the impact Peg and I had in their lives and was reminded again – that often times, listening is the best gift we can give each other.

The Celebration of Ministry Service on Sunday was a watershed moment and I found myself deeply disquieted by what I can only name as a growing corporate ethos of the organization and a resulting increase in individualism of those within the organization. Perhaps its only me or perhaps its only my experience – but I do need to think on this more and discern how I will be engaged. For now, I will continue to focus my energies on ministry within the pastoral charge – and starting Saturday, putting some miles on the bicycle as part of my involvement in The Great Cycle Challenge – Riding to Fight Kids Cancer.

In closing, the title is in reference to the image that we Mac users sometimes see: the spinning wheel or spinning beach ball – indicative that the computer is stuck, working hard to figure something out. Some users call it the ‘pinwheel of death’ – thankfully I’ve not had that experience – but I have had to do a ‘Force Quit’ or two… I’m hoping that this week of Study Leave, a change of scenery and some time to think on things will be my ‘Force Quit’ and I’ll return ‘rebooted’ in the Spirit of Pentecost!

Faithfully, Lloyd

This morning I am in the office and at the hospital. Tomorrow begins with pastoral visits and meetings at the Drew followed by more pastoral visits and a meeting in the afternoon and ends with a meeting with the Sackville Refugee Response Coalition. Less than 30 days until Rose arrives!! Thursday will be more of the same: meetings and visits and on Friday I’ll use my two days off to transition into a week of Study Leave – returning to be present with you on Pentecost Sunday!

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