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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, October 23 2019: A Dose of Humility?

“…for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.” So ends the Gospel reading for Sunday. Ironic or what? Well, it seems so as I survey the now very colourful political map.

My friend and colleague Kendall Harrison has made a few prediction. I’m not so bold. My contribution was only an offer to buy him a beer for each one that come true.

  1. Andrew Scheer lost any chance to continue to lead his party with his embarrassing speech after losing. He will signal his resignation later today. Lisa Raitt, Jason Kenny and Peter McKay will launch leadership bids.

  2. Jagmeet Singh will not lead his party into the next election.

  3. The PPC is dead.

I can’t help but wonder if a healthy dose of humility has not been dished out in the most recent election results: elected to a minority government with only 33.1% of the popular vote.

Of course, the humility referenced in the gospel text is has less to do with having the right smile and clothes and everything to do with trust. Trust. Yes, you read that right.

Like most of Jesus’ parables there is within this story a stunning reversal of ordinary expectations. It’s not the Pharisee (who gives thanks for the blessings) whose prayer is approved, but the other who knows he is a sinner and only trusts in God’s mercy.

Might it be possible for us to trust one another a bit more – trust that each has good intentions, that each has the greater good in mind and thereby find ways to work together towards that common goal? Time will tell. I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful because ultimately, I believe that those who offer themselves for public service do so for that very reason – the greater good.

Humility. Trust. Cooperation. May it be so, Lloyd

Looking Ahead

Monday was spend working from home and then responding to a situation in the afternoon that caused me to miss the meeting of Worship and Sanctuary Team. Sorry. I look forward to reading the minutes of the meeting and getting together before the end of November.

Tuesday began with the Lectionary Study Group – of course we also devoted some time to debriefing one another from our election experience. I had to deal with some personal items in the afternoon and spent the evening working on the liturgy for Sunday.

Today I am in the office this morning and off doing pastoral visits in the afternoon followed by the Soul Supper at 5:30PM (Diana Butler Bass on the Table of Gifts and Seafood Chowder). At 6:30PM I’ll meet with the Executive of Sackville United Church for their monthly Business Meeting. Thursday will be a study day as I begin to do some advance planning for the Advent and Christmas seasons.

Friday and Saturday will be days off.

On Sunday I look forward to being with the folk at Upper Sackville United at 9AM and Sackville United at 11AM where I will be with the Sunday School. Then, at 1PM at Sackville United we’ll gather with the community-at-large as Ernie Sears is inducted to the Sackville Arts Wall.

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