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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings of the Minister, April 9th 2018

To Be Loved…

To the right is a photo of a note that was left on my desk on Maundy Thursday: “Kate

loves you! To say I was touched when I read it would be an understatement…

I’ve left the note where Kate placed it that evening and each morning it reminds me I am loved (by her and many others). That she left the note on the evening of Maundy Thursday as we were remembering Jesus act of love toward the disciples in washing their feet and commanding them to do the same, has not been lost on me.

To be loved – actual and potential, realized and unrealized. The epistle reading for this coming Sunday, 1 John 3:1-3 picks up this theme:

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed.

How has love transformed you? How has love brought forth your potential? How has contributed to your growing into your previously unrealized self?

Some of my thoughts on this cool Monday morning… Lloyd


Today I am in the office and hoping to making contact with a few folk to set up visits later in the week.

On Tuesday after our Spiritual Literacy group at 10AM and my time at the gym I am off to a couple of meetings.

On Wednesday I’ll be in the office in the morning and it looks like my dad may be over for lunch (he’s bringing over his T4s and other documents so I can do his income tax for him) and then I have a conference call with General Council Office of Vocation Task group in the afternoon.

Thursday will see me in Moncton for most of the day at the hospital and at two other meetings one of which is a lunch meeting with Elise who will be our guest at the Wonder Cafe at the end of the month.

Friday and Saturday are looking like they’ll be rest days before we start all over again on Sunday!  Hope to see you then!

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