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Musings, On A Sprint to the Finish Line: June 13th 2022

We are almost to the half-way mark of June. Students, Teachers, Administrators, and this Minister are counting the days. Depending on your school district there are between 10 and 12 days of classroom time remaining – note, I’ve called it classroom time – not teaching time as I am certain that not much teaching or learning happens in the last two weeks of school! And in my case, there are two Sundays left before vacation and sabbath time – and yes, there will be liturgies and reflections each Sunday – though I promise they’ll not go past an hour!

To mark the last Sunday of June, our shift to gathering at 10AM, and my beginning vacation and a month of sabbath time, I hope you’ll join us for Sundae Sunday: ice cream and all the fixings for sundaes!

But, before we get there I have to get through the next couple of weeks: a meeting of the Executive on Wednesday evening, two days of Regional meetings in Halifax this week and next week, visits with folk I will not see for two months, some initial planning for September and planning for our Sunday Gatherings this Sunday (11AM) and next (10AM).

And then, last night my hearing aid stopped working. It had been acting up on Sunday morning and again Sunday afternoon during Alf Barry’s Memorial Gathering, but last night it just stopped working.

It feels like a sprint to the finish line. I heard the starting gun loud and clear – I just hope I’ll be able to hear whatever marks the end of the race!

In any case, as I run (figuratively speaking) I will practice the most important thing one can do when running… I will breathe. And in each breath, I will trust that the Spirit will fill me and I will be enthused with wisdom, love, respect, courage, honesty humility and truth… may it be so for you as well.



Looking Ahead

I am making an early morning drive to Moncton this morning to drop my hearing aid off at the place where it was purchased. I know they will have to send it away for repairs and I’d like it back as soon as possible. Thankfully I have a backup and can still function. Returning from Moncton, I’ll be at in the office and at the Drew this afternoon.

On Tuesday morning at 10:30AM I will gather with the Preacher’s Help Group and together we’ll look at the text for this coming Sunday: 1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a, Psalm 42 and 43, Isaiah 65:1-9 and Psalm 22:19-28, Galatians 3:23-29 and Luke 8:26-39. Of course we’ll not read all of them – nor will I attempt to preach on all of them – we’d be here ‘til winter!

I am hoping to spend Tuesday afternoon visiting with some of the folk who I visit regularly and will not see for two months as of July 1st. If you’d like to see me before my time away, please call and set up an appointment.

Wednesday morning will be spent with those who are a part of Seniors Sharing the Table – and finalizing the Press Release and plans for the Grand Launch on June 25th 2022 at the Farmer’s Market! Watch for more information soon! On Wednesday afternoon I will travel to Halifax so I am settled and able to join the Executive for their business meeting at 6:30PM via Zoom.

Thursday and Friday will be spent in Regional Meetings in Halifax, and I hope to be home in time to take in some of the Pride Celebrations in Amherst on Saturday.

Sunday June 19th, the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, will see us gather at 11AM for the last time until September 11th as on June 26th we’ll begin our Summer Sunday Gatherings at 10AM. I hope you will join us either in-person or via Facebook Live!

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