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Musings: On A Week Made Holy...

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. What makes it this week Holy? Or holier than other weeks? Surely it is not made holy by the torture and suffering of Good Friday? But rather, maybe by the experience of community and solidarity that begins on Sunday, with a meal and a parade, the washing of feet and another meal?


The most important day for me in the Christian year has come to be Holy Thursday, the day upon which the Church remembers how Jesus washed the feet of his friends and then shared a simple meal with them – a meal that has been celebrated for millennia since, as communion, Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper.


The stories we remember on this day highlight for me, the two fundamental tenants of Christian community: service to others and communal sharing. This is what makes this week Holy, service to others and communal sharing, for in such activity, all is made new! In the acts of sharing and service to others resurrection is possible!


I hope you will plan now to join others in community on Thursday March 28th as we mark Holy Thursday. A simple supper will be available the Church at 6PM and at 6:30PM we will begin our liturgy of foot washing and communion. The live-stream will begin at 6:30PM.


On Friday March 29th we will gather again at 11AM to hear the story of Jesus crucifixion and death.


And, on Sunday March 31st we will meet in the promise of resurrection hope to proclaim as those before us have done so, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!





The Week Ahead

I am working from home today (and possibly tomorrow too) as a cold seems to have caught up to me and I do not wish to share it with anyone. I am working on some long-range planning (Conversation Cafes are now scheduled for April 28th and May 26th) and one of two grant proposals has been submitted to the United Church of Canada Foundation… and there is lots of other things to keep me busy for today and tomorrow as I prepare for the rest of Holy Week.


I do have three pastoral visits scheduled for Wednesday and I hope this cold abates so I can do those visits and attend two other meetings.


I expect to be doing visits at the hospital on Thursday morning or afternoon and in the evening, as above, I will be at the Church for our Holy Thursday Gathering. Supper is served at 6PM and the service begins at 6:30PM.


Friday (as above) will be our Good Friday at 11AM and our Easter Sunday Gathering will be at 11AM too!  I look forward to seeing you at one or more of these gatherings!

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