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Musings: On A Week of Reflection

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

Yesterday was the first day of fall and a week from today, on September 30th we will mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It seems appropriate that we take this week, the next seven days to reflect on Canada’s historic relationship with the Indigenous Peoples of this land – one of colonization and exploitation, and an emerging commitment to truth and reconciliation.


For many of us, my age and older, our formal education offered little information about the First Nations of Canada, focusing rather on European History and the story colonization, with little regard for the impact on those who inhabited the land before the arrival of settlers.


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission offered 94 calls to action as part of its report, 94 actionable policy recommendations meant to aid the healing process by acknowledging the full, horrifying history of the residential school system, and recommendations to create policy and systems to prevent these abuses from ever happening again.


Woven among all the Calls to Action is a call to education. When we know better, we do better.


Below are two foundational websites that you can use to learn and educate yourself about the impacts of the Residential Schools system, Indigenous issues and the journey toward Truth and Reconciliation.


The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Of special note is the Lunch and Learn Program that will run from September 23-27, 2024.



On Sunday, you are encouraged to wear orange when you gather in community. Have someone take a photo of those gathered, and may these photos represent our commitment as a community, to the ongoing work of reconciliation.





Looking Ahead

Today, I am in Sackville for the morning. At noon I will gather for lunch with other United Church ministry personnel who are part fo the Sackville United Church congregation before heading to Moncton where I will make rounds at the hospital and attend to two scheduled pastoral visits.


On Tuesday morning Julia and I will have our weekly staff meeting and then move into the Lectionary Study Group at 10:30AM. The group is open to all via Zoom. As I have a meeting in the evening I will try and keep the afternoon free.


Wednesday will have me in Moncton for the morning at Visions where I will join with others in supporting the Fresh for Less program and in the evening I will gather with the leaders and participants of the QS4A as they prepare to launch their fall program.


Thursday will be a work from home day as I prepare a reflection for Sunday. My reflecting and writing will be interrupted by taking part in a webinar from 1PM to 2:30PM, as offered by the United Church of Canada Foundation, “How to Write a Successful Grant Report”.


Friday and Saturday, unless the reflection is still unfinished will be days off – and on Saturday I am looking forward to a visit with my son Justin as we make the annual trek to Bagtown Brewing for their Octoberfest celebration!


On Sunday I will be a Central United Church, from where I will offer the reflection. Julia will preside at the liturgy from Visions United Church and Sackville United Church will host the Zoom gathering.



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