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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, On Hump Day and Motivation: January 26, 2022

Well, as the title indicates it is hump day - Wednesday - mid week, as my mother was fond of saying to me in the middle of a difficult week at school: "You made it this far, you can make it the rest of the way!"

Truth be told, it should be even easier for me these days as my days off are Friday and Saturday - thus Wednesday, is actually 4/7th the way through the week for me! Some weeks it feels anything but - especially as the pandemic and this current level of restrictions drags on!

In a conversation with myself on Monday morning (those are dangerous, I know) I asked myself, as I reflected on the joy I experienced recalling our singing visitors on Sunday afternoon, "What motivates you?"

The answer was not surprising: being connected to others and being of service to others.

As I sat with the feeling of disconnect for a few moments I was reminded of the wise words that a member of the Executive has posted on their Facebook page a week or so ago that I had saved:

So, that's what I've been doing this week - the essentials - and trying to give myself permission to feel ok about it. And I think it is working. The last two mornings I have slept in until 7AM - and those of you who know me will know how unusual that is!

Thank your for your care and support and I hope that you are being kind to yourself as well!



The Week So Far:

I was in the office for the better part of Monday, joining virtually with the group at Mel's followed by two in-person visits (masked and distanced). Tuesday I worked from home - and that is my plan for today as well. At 2:30PM this afternoon I'll join with my Spiritual Journey Group and then at 5:30PM I look forward to sharing supper with others via Zoom.

Tomorrow (Thursday) morning will include phone visits, a meeting with colleagues hosted by the Regional Pastoral Relations Minister, Kendall Harrison in the morning and our Broadview Discussion Group at 3PM via Zoom.

Friday and Saturday will be days off (and if the weather models are correct - another stormy mess) and on Sunday I look forward to joining with you via Zoom and Facebook Live at 11AM as we share in discussion with Rebecca Houtsma and Luke Haugen-Stand (cover artist) about Rebecca's book: Compass to Healing, My Journey to Wellness.

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