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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, On Love and caring community: February 16th 2022

Rather than Monday Musings, I should be calling this weekly offering Wednesday Wonderings or Tuesday Trumpetings... nah! Definitely not that!

Sorry this is late - but in this instance my lateness is intentional - I wanted to delay writing until after the Executive meeting which was held on Tuesday evening so I could share with you our plans for reopening! But first the love...

I was so touched to find the handmade valentine taped to the doorframe of my office when I was there on Tuesday afternoon. In listening to colleagues around the region I have heard again and again a level of frustration and despair - feelings of being unappreciated, burdened and just plain worn out and exhausted. While I have by times felt the latter I have never felt unappreciated by the congregation of Sackville United Church - and this little heart on the doorpost reminded me again of your love and care. Thank you!

Now, on to the reopening! We will gather in-person again beginning March 1st. Proof of full vaccination will be required for admission, as will the wearing of masks while inside as per Provincial guidelines.

Our first in-person gathering will be our annual Ash Wednesday gathering which will take place on March 2nd at 6:30PM. At the conclusion of that gathering the SUC Executive will meet for their monthly Grounding meeting. It seem so appropriate. after all the pandemic has upset in our lives, to come back to gather again on this day that we are called to remember our frailty before God.

The Executive is delaying our return to in-person gatherings until March 1st as plans had already been made to pre-record the service for February 20th and for a Conversation Cafe via Zoom on February 27th with Jordanna Wright as part of Black History Month. Jordanna is a black woman who grew up in the United Church and has founded two social enterprises: and She will be speaking with us about her experience and offer words of wisdom to the Church as we work toward being an intercultural and anti-racist church. We do hope you will participate in this important and informative gathering!

On Sunday March 6th we will gather in-person and begin the journey of Lent - celebrate abundance around the theme: Full to the Brim! As part of this service there will be an abundance of bread and juice as we celebrate communion!

Of course, we will continue to stream gatherings via Facebook as we know that our community now includes people from across the country who are unable to be with us in-person and people, who for various reasons, may not be ready to return to gathering in-person. There is room at the table for everyone!

I am also excited to announce that again this year we will be celebrating PIE Day. As an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada we seek to be Public, Intentional and Explicit in our welcome to LGBTQIA2S+ persons and PIE Day is a fun way to sharing in learning and pie! Watch for more information about our (now) annual PIE Day Pie Auction!



Looking Ahead

Monday and Tuesday were spent on the phone and in meetings.

Today I am working from home until about 2PM when I will be attending at meeting of the Trustees of Trinity St. Stephen United Church in my role as Pastoral Charge Supervisor while they are without a regularly settled Minister. This evening at 5:30PM I will host the weekly Virtual Community Dinner. Here is the link in case you want to drop in.

Thursday I will be in the office for the better part of the day and out for at least two pastoral visits. At some point during the day Jennie and I will be recording the service for Sunday. At 3PM I will host our weekly Broadview Discussion Group and we'll have a chance to explore the most recent edition. Here is the link in case you want to join in.

Friday and Saturday will be days off. On Sunday morning at 11AM you will be able access the recorded service on Facebook while I am offering leadership at Trinity St. Stephen in what will be my last responsibility as Pastoral Charge Supervisor as I learned this morning that they have extended a call! I will let them announce that news more fully!

Jennie is away for the next ten days beginning February 19th and I will do my best to respond to any inquires that come into the office! Enjoy your much deserved vacation Jennie!

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