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Musings, On March Break and A Lenten Pause... 3.14

Happy International Pi Day! Hopefully you are enjoying a slice of pie from our PIE (Public Intentional Explicit) Day Auction that took place on Sunday! A BIG THANK YOU to all who made the PIE Day Pie Auction a success! Thank you to all who donated pies and gift certificates and thank you to those who bid on pies and those who were successful in their bidding! It was a fun afternoon that raised over $1,000.00 to support our affirming ministry.

Today marks the beginning of March Break in Nova Scotia and a bit of a mid-Lent mini-retreat for me - study leave - well, sort of. I have commitments tomorrow and Wednesday morning and evening but otherwise I am taking some time to read, reflect and spend time with family.

On Tuesday I will gather with the Preacher's Help Group at 10:30AM followed by a couple of meetings and on Wednesday, with others, I'll welcome the folk from Open Sky for our weekly coffee and conversation! Do drop in - if even for a moment to say hello. At 6:30PM I will gather with the new Executive for their first meeting via Zoom.

On Thursday I'll be at church again, Church Brewing that is, to mark St. Patrick's Day with family and some special friends - I am sure St. Patrick would approve: a little change of scenery with good food and even better company! Sláinte! Cheers!

On Saturday I will gather with the family of the late Jan MacKay to celebrate Jan's life and entrust her spirit to God's care. The gathering is at 2PM and I know Wayne would deeply appreciate the care and support of his United Church family.

On Sunday we will gather on the third Sunday of Lent to be reminded that we are worthy and that like the gardener in the story, we are invited to see others with audacious hope and budding potential.

Until then, take moments to pause even as you embrace the journey that is Lent.


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