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Musings, On Memories and Creating Community: October 19th 2020

As I stood behind the pulpit on Sunday watching the portion of the Conversation Café with Corey where I’d inserted pictures of the Pride Parade and the Affirming Ministry Celebration I was overcome by the colour orange and the emptiness of the space – and it would seem that some of you were as well, gauging by the comments left by some of you.

I miss the energy that is present when we are together. I miss the banter about the temperature at Upper Sackville, the little conversations about life in the community, the reminders about meetings at Sackville United Church and the warm embraces. I miss your hugs.

On Sunday morning, Janet Hammock commented during the clip of Corey singing Can I Get an Amen, that it was good to see Kathy Carr’s head… she captured what many of us are feeling, the absence, the grief over the loss of sharing community with each other – the loss of seeing each other, hearing each other, touching each other, of even the shared scents of wood smoke at Upper Sackville or the third pot of coffee brewing at Sackville.

The back of Kathy Carr’s (and Michael Cumming) heads

But, put it bluntly, we are staying apart to keep each other well and healthy…

So, I’m going to invite you, this week to join me, in hopefully contributing to another’s spiritual and emotional health.

Take a moment and quietly recall your familiar seat in the sanctuary. Be aware of your breathing and go to that place inside that is settled and familiar. And when you are quiet, bring to mind the faces of those who sat on either side of you. Recall the name of the person who sat in front of you or behind you. Call forth the memory of a handshake or hug of someone you always made a point of speaking to on Sunday morning. Think about how they have been a gift, a helpful presence to you or others…

And then, before the week is over, take a moment and give that person (or persons) a call, or sent them a text or an email or a Facebook message and tell them that you were thinking of them. Tell them that they are appreciated, that you miss being in physical community – and in doing so, you’ll participate in the creation of community that is grounded in heart and spirit – in love.

Faithfully, Lloyd

PS: If there is someone you really want to reach out to but do not have contact information for, reach out to me and I’ll do my best to help.

Looking Ahead

Today I am in the office for a series of meetings and appointments. Tomorrow I’ll be here again and at 10AM I’ll host the Preacher’s Help Group. You can join in by clicking on this link. In the afternoon I’ll be doing visits in the community and at the hospital.

Wednesday will be another office day with meetings and presentations in the morning and more meetings in the afternoon and into the evening with the SUC Executive for their regular business meeting.

On Thursday I’ll be absent attending to a medical appointment in Halifax and on Friday I’ll likely be doing the things that didn’t get done on Thursday (writing a liturgy and starting a reflection).

Saturday will see me engaged in a recall meeting of the 43rd General Council during which the new Executive Secretary, Michael Blair will be installed. And on Sunday, I look forward to be present with you at our Sunday Gathering at 10AM.

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