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Musings, On Spring & Planning: March 21, 2022

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

Spring means many things for many people and each of us has rituals that we use to mark the heralding of spring. For some it is the seed catalogue. No for me. Not ever. For others it is the preparation of the motorcycle for the first ride. Not for me anymore. And for still others it is the raking of the lawn, or the first day outside in just shirt sleeves. What is it for you that heralds spring?

One sure sign of spring for me of late, are the calls from couples who are making summer wedding plans. So far there have been three for the coming summer and I am looking forward to working with these couples to support them in planning for their special day and their life together as a couple.

On Sunday morning Catherine Gaw shared with the Seekers Group of how she had recently planted sunflower seeds as a way to be in prayerful solidarity with the people of Ukraine. She spoke of how we plant seeds in hope, trusting in the promise yet unseen. Love is like that - an act of hope and trust.

I hope you will join with me in holding in care all those who are making plans for the future, planting seeds in hope and trust, even in the midst of all that is uncertain around us.



Looking Ahead

This morning after publishing these Musings I am off to the hospital for a couple of pastoral visits followed by meetings this afternoon and a meeting this evening with one of the couple I spoke of above, followed by a webinar with the Westar Institute: After Jesus, Before Christianity.

Tuesday morning I will be in the office and at 10:30AM I will gather with the Preacher's Help Group to consider the text for this Sunday, one of which is the story of the prodigal son. You are welcome to join us. Email me for the link. In the afternoon I am doing a presentation to a school class on conflict followed by two pastoral visits and participation in another presentation in the evening.

At 10AM on Wednesday morning I look forward to gathering with all those who come for the Coffee Hour with Open Sky and in the afternoon I'll take part in my monthly Spiritual Journey Group with other phone calls and conversations filling in the rest of the day.

Thursday will be a work from home day as I work on the liturgy and reflection for Sunday - but I will come out of hibernation for a pastoral visit on Thursday evening.

Friday and Saturday will be days off and on Sunday I look forward to gathering in community with all those who participate in our Sunday Gathering in-person or via Facebook Live at 11AM.

Please note, that while the government of New Brunswick has eliminated the requirement to wear masks at indoor public gatherings, we are asking those who visit Sackville United Church and participate in events hosted by Sackville United Church, to continue to wear a mask. We believe that this is one small thing we can do to continue to try and protect one another from a virus that is still very much present in our communities.

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