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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, On the 2nd Monday of a New Year:January 10th 2022

Well, as far as creative titles go - this one is likely a bust - but it is the second Monday of a New Year, but the first on which I have resumed my Musings. Last Monday I took the day as the Statutory Holiday and enjoyed an extra day doing as little as possible with Jenn and the kids who were home.

The Christmas break was restful. However I must admit, as case number rose my anxiety about returning to work rose exponentially, as not only did I need to consider my own health and safety and that of my family, but also, I needed to support the Executive as they considered the ever evolving situation and attempted to make the best possible decisions for the community of Sackville United Church and the larger community we are a part of.

As you well know by now, the Executive met last Wednesday evening and decided to continue the suspension of in-person gatherings until such time as Region 1 is returned to Level 1 of the Winter Plan. I believe that this was a faithful decision, one that is well-grounded theologically and ethically.

The Executive and Staff are making extra efforts to provide ways for people to be connected even as we are physically apart. Please review the list of opportunities below and consider taking part - maybe not even out of your own need for connection but to provide a point of connection for someone else.

If you have other ideas we are most open to hearing them!

Sunday School Leaders are meeting on Thursday evening to make plans for future gatherings of the Sunday School and a few individuals are working on some outdoor gathering options. We'll update you on these as soon as we have more information.

Finally, I want to conclude this first Musing of 2022 with a word of gratitude. Thank you for all of the holiday greetings and gifts. I am so very touched by your generosity. I am part of A Network for Grateful Living and the January Grateful Offerings was deeply moving - especially the video of Gert and Bettie. I commend it to you for your reflection.



Sunday Gatherings: Jennie and Lloyd will continue to provide an opportunity to gather via Facebook Live each Sunday morning. We hope that you will participate by greeting each other as you arrive and share in the time of prayer by writing your prayers of gratitude and care in chat box.

Community and Conversation following the Sunday Gathering: Join others via Zoom each Sunday following our Sunday Gathering to share in conversation and a time of community building. Use this link, or use Zoom Meeting ID: 833 4786 0285 and Passcode: WelcomeAll

Monday Morning (not at) Mel's: Join the group virtually at Mel’s each Monday morning at 10am. Sometimes we talk about the weather or the Sunday sermon and other times we talk about the news of the day. Stay for 10 minutes or until lunch time. Use this link, or use Zoom Meeting ID: 891 7377 0996 and Passcode: NotAtMels

Lectionary Study Group: Each Tuesday morning at 10:30am via Zoom you are welcome to join Lloyd in an initial exploration of the scripture texts for the coming Sunday. No prior knowledge or preparation is necessary. Bring your stories and experiences as we explore the texts together. Lloyd has come to call the group ‘The Preacher’s Help Group’ as it has proven to be so very helpful to him! Use this link, or use Zoom Meeting ID: 842 0882 6419 and Passcode: SUC

Virtual Community Dinner: Don’t eat alone in front of the TV on Wednesday evenings! Eat with others in front of your computer or tablet… Use this link, or use Zoom Meeting ID: 827 0380 1924 and Passcode: LetsEat

Broadview Discussion Group: Join others via Zoom each Thursday afternoon at 3PM for a conversation about an article in Broadview. Articles for discussion will be based on the day of the month and corresponding page number (of course we can look at others as well). And no, you do not need to have a copy of the magazine to participate. Use this link, or use Zoom Meeting ID: 879 1731 1910 and Passcode: Broadview

Sunday Gatherings: Our Sunday Gatherings will continued to be live-streamed via Facebook Live and on the last Sunday of each month we will host the gathering via Zoom in addition to streaming it on Facebook Live. We hope that this will provide an opportunity for greater interaction and sense of connection for folks. You can join via Facebook Live in the usual way – however, if you wish, you may take part via Zoom by using this link or Zoom Meeting ID: 824 2984 0784 and Passcode: ALL4ALL

Looking Ahead

Today I am in the office from 8AM through to 4PM responding to messages and phone calls and meetings.

Tuesday morning will be filled with meetings: Trustees at 9:30AM, Lectionary Study Group at 10:30AM and another at 11:30AM. In the afternoon I am doing pastoral visits by Zoom and telephone.

On Wednesday afternoon I will meet with my ministry personnel cluster followed by meetings with a couple of folk who are working on two projects for the Church. At 5:30PM I will host the Virtual Community Dinner (see above) after which I'll be leading a governance and decision making workshop for the Executive.

Thursday will see me working from home trying to turn water into wine and words into a sermon... and at 7PM I'll host the Broadview Discussion Group at 3PM (see above) and at 7PM I will gather with the Sunday School Leaders for their planning meeting.

Friday and Saturday will be days off - though I'll likely still be trying to turn the water into wine and words into a sermon right up until Saturday night - and on Sunday morning we'll gather in community to taste the wine and word anew... plan now to have some bread and wine or juice nearby and we'll break the bread and share the cup for the first time in the New Year... trusting again in God's abundant love!

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Happy New Year!

Members of Central, Sackville and Visions United Churches, Happy New Year! I have been easing into this new year gently, as I hope you...


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