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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, On Two Processions and Palm Sunday Choices…

Last week, during the Study Leave that wasn’t (poor planning and pastoral situations overtook the week), as I was looking ahead to Palm Sunday and Holy Week events and themes, I came across this hymn, Two Processions, by Amanda Udis-Kessler. Amanda writes music for the Queer community, and I was deeply moved by it – and yes, we will sing it on Sunday. You can have a listen by following this link.

Two processions entering Jerusalem,

Two opposing kingdoms on display.

Which of these processions are we part of?

Which one will we follow on its way?

Will we shout “Hail Pilate” or “Hosanna”

When we have a choice whose praise to sing?

Will we trust the violent mighty ruler?

Will we trust the peaceful peasant king?

Two processions entering Jerusalem,

Power of love against the love of power.

Will we choose the path of domination?

Will we let compassion have its hour?

God has had a dream of joyful justice.

Rome has spun a nightmare of neglect.

If we join the commonwealth of servants

We may bring God’s joy and justice yet.

Two processions entering Jerusalem:

Realm of hope, dominion built on fear.

As we choose the path that love has opened,

We will see the realm of hope draw near.

I was moved because this hymn so accurately captures the historical reality of that day so long ago and the choices we are faced with each day - and yes, the choices we face as part of Mission and Ministry Discernment process.

During these five weeks of Lent, a small group of folk have been gathering each Tuesday evening to explore the material presented by David Dowd, ProFuture Faith. In this material we have been challenged again and again by the magnitude of what he calls, the human predicament, the place we currently find ourselves at, as that of exceeding the carrying capacity of the earth. Yes, it has been challenging material, sometimes downright depressing. But in the reading for this week, I was encouraged by these words:

“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how it turns out.” Václav Havel

And so, we are invited to choose. Might our choices be modelled after the One whose Way we follow.


Looking Ahead

I have three meetings scheduled in the office this morning and then I will be to the hospital for visits before gathering with the Mission and Ministry Task Group and others for the Zoom conversation at 7PM. Follow this link to take part.

On Tuesday, at 10:30AM I will host the Lectionary Study Group via Zoom and you are welcome join in – the time together is always a benefit to this preacher! Follow this link. Lunch will be followed by three meetings in the afternoon and at 6:30PM the ProFuture Faith Study Group will gather - and there is always room for another at the table. Follow this link.

Wednesday morning will see Seniors Sharing the Table gather at 10AM with the folk from Open Sky and together we will plan a seasonal meal to mark the conclusion of the current project. We look forward to welcome you to the table!

I will be working from home on Thursday as I finalize the Palm Sunday liturgy and write a reflection that will take us into journey that is Holy Week. The Mission and Ministry Task Group will meet in the evening via Zoom to prepare for our last conversation on Sunday.

Friday and Saturday will be days off and I look forward to gathering with you on Sunday to mark Palm Sunday and engage in the final week of Mission and Ministry Discernment discussions. You can take part in-person or via Zoom at 11AM on Sunday.

Looking Ahead to Holy Week

Thursday April 6th: Holy Thursday

Come share in a community supper (vegetarian option available) at 6PM followed by a liturgy at 7PM that will include the sacred act of foot washing as a sign and symbol of service in the world, and the breaking of bread and sharing of a cup. All are welcome - and yes, the liturgy will be streamed over Facebook Live.

Friday April 7th: Good Friday

Come, gather at 11AM, in-person or via Facebook Live, in silence to lament, even as we remember the power of love. This gathering will be an opportunity to bring the sorrows and sufferings of the world to the cross – trusting that God can hold it all.

Sunday April 9th: Easter Sunday

We will gather in community 11AM in-person and via Facebook Live to celebrate the mystery of resurrection as we stand with Mary at the tomb and hear the words, “Who are you looking for?” And, we’ll recall all the questions we’ve wrestled with this Lenten season as we continue to seek, share and create the miracle of God’s newness.

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