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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, September 18th 2018: A Tail Wagging Kind of Day…

I’m feeling a bit like Rasta in this moment… foolishly wagging my tail and I just can’t stop!  Wagging because I’m filled with joy at the privilege of engaging in this work, this ministry that brings me in touch with so many gifted, talented and passionate people.

For instance, on Sunday I led worship at Trinity United Church in Riverview and experienced their commitment to one another and the ministry they offer through their daycare.  On Monday I sat with half a dozen lay people who give of countless hours of their time to support pastoral charges in their pastoral relations work.  And then I was in the hospital where I had occasion to speak with two nurses whose faith sustains them as they care infants in the neonatal until.  Following a bite to eat I was back at the Church with the Community/Campus Social Justice Liaison Steering Committee where we interviewed three passionate, articulate and very capable Mt. A Students, applicants for the position of Campus/Community Social Justice Liaison AND after that, I got to sit for the last 30 minutes with those who’d come out to watch the three episodes of First Contact.  What a full and rich first day of the work-week!

What makes your tail wag?  What fills you with gratitude and joy?  Can you do more of that and less of the ‘other stuff’?  I’m working on it…



Looking Ahead

Monday is over and Tuesday is half passed with a pastoral visit and responding to some emergent pastoral needs.  This afternoon after a lunch meeting I am off to Halifax in my role as Chair of the Conference Internship and Educational Supervision Committee.  During the drive I’ll be taking part in a Conference Call with the other members of the Association of Ministers Task Group as we try to finalize a report to the General Council Executive.  In Halifax I’ll be meeting with a student and their Educational Supervisor and Lay Supervision Team to offer some support as they embark on their journey of Supervised Ministry Education together.

On Wednesday I’ll be in Riverview for most of the day attending the regular meeting of Chignecto Presbytery (our second to last meeting) and in the evening I will sit with the Executive at the Business Meeting.

On Thursday after my morning stint in the gym you’ll find me in the office pulling together final details for our gatherings on Sunday… including a reflection that’s been slowly rising within me.  Thursday evening after my Spiritual Journey group I hope to get down to the Legion and see Rod Allan and his grand-daughter perform together.

If Thursday goes according to plan than Friday will be day off – if not – well, you can guess as to what I will be doing… hoping it all gets done before the book launch (People of the Tantramar, by Charles Scobie: 7:30PM @ 31 Main St.) so that Saturday is a free day!

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday as we explore together another of Jesus’ parables – the parable of the leaven.

“What is the Kingdom of Heaven like,” they ask. And so he begins to speak in parables. “The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.” Now the thing you know about parables is that they are not straight talk. They say it slant as Eugene Peterson likes to say. They are not just to be listened to but instead require engagement, encounter. Parables ask us to look through the words into the hiddenness of meaning. Encounter the parable today and one teaching may come into view. Read the same parable tomorrow and something else may crystallize. What do you hear?
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