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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings: The Days Are Getting Shorter…

Following Summer Solstice, the days ARE getting shorter.

According to Google, “Through the summer months, the loss of daylight is marginal at first - losing anywhere from just a few seconds per day the first few days of summer, to about 30 seconds per day through early July. As we head into August and September, the loss of daylight accelerates to roughly 2.5 minutes per day!”


Barely noticeable today – but by the end of August we’ll really notice the earlier evenings… but for now I am focusing on how June 21 brought me ever closer to the period of summer sabbath called vacation. And yes, I am ready for a break. 


Last year I had three months off (2 months of sabbatical and a month of vacation). This year there is no sabbatical, only three weeks of vacation. And I know, I shouldn’t say, ‘only or just three weeks’ as many don’t have the luxury of even that many days of vacation. And maybe that’s a reminder, a learning if you will, as the days become shorter and there is less and less daylight, less time in the presence of the orb called the sun, a reminder, to embrace every moment of light and love that you can.


On July 1 we will celebrate Canada Day and with that, I will move into summer pause mode – as do many of the activities and programs of Sackville United Church. As of July 1, I will pause writing and sharing my weekly musings until September (perhaps your inbox will appreciate the break). As of July 1, the Lectionary Study Group will also pause util September. What will not pause is the intentionality of seeking and sharing the light of love.  


I will pause from some things so that I can embrace more fully other things. May it be so for you as well. Embrace the light and love the summer season has to offer. Get outside. Enjoy the displays of colour and the smell of rain and a freshly mown lawn. Go for ice cream. Sit around a campfire. Share a meal outside. Run through a sprinkler. Watch the sun rise… then watch it set… and give thanks for all that has filled the day.


I will be on vacation (and unreachable) from July 21st to August 11th (inclusive). During this time (the Rev.) Audrey Lounder will be available to respond to pastoral emergencies. Audrey’s contact information is available from the Church Office.


During my time away (on August 9th) I will enter my 59th year, perhaps yet another reminder that the days are getting shorter – there are more days behind me than lay before me – and so I will continue to embrace each one fully!


May it be so,



Looking to the Week Ahead

I was in the office this morning where I shared in three pastoral visits. I am taking this afternoon off after a very long day yesterday and full days on Friday and Saturday last week.


Tuesday morning I am in the office again and will meet with the Lectionary Study Group for the last time before a summer pause. I have two pastora visits scheduled for the afternoon and meetings with the Collaborative Mininistry Pilot Project Commission on Tuesday evening.


On Wednesday morning I will visit at the hospital and in the afternoon I will be participating in a PRIDE event at Dorchester Institution. On Wednesday evening I will sit in on a webinar hosted by United Protect about changes to the insurance plan offered to United Church congregations.


Thursday will be devoted to crafting a liturgy and reflection for Sunday.

On Friday I will preparing for the funeral of Morgan McRann which I will preside at on Saturday afternoon. And On Sunday, if all goes well, following our gathering at 11AM, I hope to head over to PEI for a visit with my mom and dad as we mark their 61st wedding anniversary (June 23) and my dad’s 85th birthday (July 6th).


And on Monday, I’ll join with thousands of Canadians and enjoy a day off as we celebrate this country Canada – a nation that seeks reconciliation and restoration of relationship with the Indigenous Peoples of the Land, and at the same time, seeks to welcome and embrace those who arrive seeking freedom, safety and security.

And remember, beginning Sunday July 7th we will gather at 10:30AM in-person at Sackville United Church, 110 Main St., and online at

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